
SHUCHITA - Skilling, Happiness, Unique Choice, Hope, inclusion, training & abilities, is an inclusive skills development Programme for Women with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Divyangjan) for Pan India. This programme is an initiative of the philanthropic partner of Home of Hope Inc. USA and implemented by Manovikas Charitable Society.  

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) routinely face discrimination and are denied basic dignity in India. This Project SHUCHITA will develop an inclusive ecosystem for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities, to bring to the global attention the issues faced by women with IDDs. The project has E3 approaches of enabling, encouraging and empowerment for the quality of life and independent living of women with IDDs.   

Enable self-advocacy by women with IDDs

Encourage a family-centred approach

Empower adult support services

Encourage and enable parents and family members to ensure full and effective participation of WIDD towards their inclusion in the society and express their views on all matters. 

Develop three modules of self-advocacy workshops “Make my Choice” and provide 10 training sessions to a minimum of 20 WIDD.

Empower 10 WIDD through skill development and towards self-care, formal/nonformal education, employable skill development and higher education.