The importance of bees

We're all dependent on the survival of bees.

Unfortunately, bees and other pollinators are increasingly in danger due to human activities. Pollination, however, is very important for all ecosystems and bees also contribute to the development of biodiversity. In fact, like all pollinating insects, they have a great importance in the pollination of almost all plants with flowers, both cultivated and wild. Bees therefore have a fundamental role in the defence and restoration of vegetation, even in areas with highly deteriorated environments.

The World Bee Day

In 2017, under the international initiative of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was decided to establish the World Bee Day for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Pollinators. After long discussions it was decided that the World Bee Day is May 20th.

Our food security depends on bees.

Bees and other pollininators are responsible for the pollination of 75% of leading food crops. Our food security depends on them.