





計畫名稱:楓香茶米新視界食農賦能教育 Food and Agricultural Education



The project focuses on the humanistic care and local practice in Fengshu area, Guishan district, Taoyuan. The main focus is on the education of food and agriculture through the general education courses to create an experimental plan related to agronomy for the students, and the people living in nearby Guishan district. The four core concepts of this project are "listening and caring, learning and training, friendly farming, and healthy living." In addition to listening to the needs of the local people, the team jointly promotes the development of leisure agriculture and is committed to promoting the sustainable development in Guishan. Hopefully, the project is able to raise the awareness about the eco-friendly farming and implement the practice of the university social responsibility. This not only meets the core characteristics of CGUST to cultivate health care professionals, but also students and local people can learn how to eat right, learn smart and stay healthy.



The project makes good use of the Fengshu area as an experimental field to plan and hold various educational activities. It also fulfills the humanistic care and health care, and tries to learn from the community, hopefully, creating eco-friendly farming and a healthy and happy environment. There are four main issues in this project. First, build a good neighborhood and agricultural base on campus - inventory the regional issues and leisure agriculture regulations in the Fengshu area. Second, establish a happy link between the local people and the students- listen up and care about what they need, and discover the abundant and happy stories of the local people. Third, promote indigenous food and agriculture program- practice the experimental courses and markets on campus, carry the ethics into delicious foods. Fourth, open a new horizon with tasty rice and fragrant tea-connect the social network between the local people and the neighboring communities to open up a new horizon.




Guishan is a high-tech, high-quality medical city. Maple Village in Guishan, less than 10 kilometers away from our school, is a protected community enacted by the government to preserve its farms and scenic beauty. Located within a valley, Maple Village has gradually become a remote and isolated community, although it is adjacent to metropolitan centers and industrial parks. This project aims at identifying and finding solutions to the issues faced by the local residents developing leisure farming. Examples of the issues include the aging of farmers, empty farmland, and environmental protection. Through cooperation with local residents, we hope to create new opportunities to further develop the leisure agriculture industry in the village.


本計畫聚焦楓樹里的人文地景特色,結合長庚醫院、學校等健康照護特色,以及台塑企業創造樂活健康休閒的「Formosa 樂活圈」孵育計畫資源,針對楓樹里發展休閒農業面臨的困境,提出四大解決行動方案:第一,走讀地方,傾聽關懷,發掘楓樹里的幸福地圖;第二,辦理友善食農培力課程,建構楓樹里在地自信;第三,鼓勵小農創新與食安認證,支持農業環境永續;第四,辦理食農微旅行體驗活動,促成社區協力農業。從日常生活「吃」的具體實踐,串連楓樹里與食農教育、食農教育與在地關懷、在地關懷與自我認同的價值信仰,開拓楓樹里休閒農業發展新契機。

The resources we can combine are abundant from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Formosa Plastic Corporation, our school, and the Fengshu area. Our proposed action plan is composed of four actionable steps. These steps must be taken in order to support the Maple Village farmers in dealing with the challenges that arise from leisure agriculture. The first step is to explore the village and to exchange small talks with people. Second, we provide not only training courses to the farmers based on their needs and interests but also lessons on Taiwanese agriculture to our students. As self-confidence grows, the farmers are encouraged to innovate on the practice of sustainable agriculture and to apply for food safety certification. Finally, we organize cooking classes using fresh farm products and agriculture experience tours, which provide students an understanding of the importance of food and real-world, hands-on experiences.



The initial core idea of the project is health care. The project has taken the Fengshu area as a practice field. The course relies on the cooperation between the general education courses and professional courses, and the collaborative teaching of scholars and local people, so the students are led to emit the humanistic care and learn how to solve the local problems. The vision of this project is to "cultivate local people and create a friendly and healthful environment in Guishan." In order to reach the target, the project sets three goals: care in local communities, collaborate in local communities, and stay healthy and happy. The six strategies we are going to promote are developing courses related to humanistic care and practice in the field, activating local community networks, and integrating regional health care resources. Besides that, the development and promotion of innovative education for food and agriculture, the establishment of community-assisted agricultural models, and encouragement for getting verification for food safety will be gradually done step by step in the near future through courses, workshops, experiential learning and community activities.