Mexican Colonization and the Empresario System


After Mexico gained its independence in 1821, one of the main issues the new government was facing was populating "northern Mexico". This included parts of modern day California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and of course, Texas. The "Empresario System" would allow Anglos from America to buy land from the Mexican government and settle their families in Mexico. This would lead to a larger population in Texas, but would also lead to divisive points of view between the new anglo settlers and the Mexican Government.

Linked Educational Resources

How did class divisions among the Spanish contribute to social unrest and calls for independence?

Mexican Colonization Laws


(Click the image below)

Moses Austin

Stephen F. Austin

Martin de Leon

Jose Gutierrez de Lara

Philip Nolan

Jean Lafitte

Green DeWitt

So, what's the Story?

(linked articles)

Skill Building Activities

Unit 3 Interactive Word Wall

Visual Vocabulary

OER-Push-Pull Factors-Northern Mexico.docx
Copy of 7thGradeBioCards.pdf

BIO Cards

General Resources: Many of the wonderful resources found throughout this site are gathered from dozens of available links from other dynamic teachers, districts or organizations accessible on the web. The external resources are not the property of Lubbock I.S.D.