Student Recognition

Student Recognition

The Loomis Grammar School Staff is proud of the learning that students engage in throughout the year: collaboration, problem solving, advocating for him/herself, persevering through challenging tasks, demonstrating resilience, and service to others. We are committed to creating an academic environment that supports a growth mindset and the achievement of each student. We recognize that students' accomplishments are not trait-based or tied to something innate and are committed to guiding students in making connections between academic behaviors (hard work, effort, perseverance, resilience, etc.) and understanding that they have control over growing their brains through the actions they take. Loomis Grammar School believes in developing the whole child and recognizes students throughout the year for their various achievements.

In order to qualify for academic recognitions, a student must achieve the necessary grade point average compiled from all core subjects (Math, Language Arts, Science and Social Science) without D’s or F’s on his/her report card.