Behavior Expectations

The Falcon Way

Loomis Grammar School's reputation is reflected by students’ behavior on their way to school, in the classroom, on the playground, in assemblies, at athletic events, on field trips, and on the way home from school. The Loomis Grammar School Expectations, presented as "The Falcon Way," were developed to serve as a general guide for students to maintain high standards of behavior.

Behavior Expectations

The school-wide behavior plan is carefully designed to protect all children and to establish an orderly learning environment for all students. The school staff will teach and encourage appropriate behavior and will assist each student in correcting inappropriate behavior. Parents can assist by reviewing the behavior expectations (included in the Falcon Way Matrix below) and by supporting school personnel should a behavior problem arise.

Falcon Way Expectations Matrix

The management of each individual classroom is the responsibility of the classroom teacher. It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that the classroom environment is conducive to learning. The specific details of how this is to be managed are left to the professional judgment of the teacher. There are several broad guidelines that the teachers are to follow:

  1. All classroom expectations need to be posted in the room.

  2. At the first of the year teachers will review classroom expectations and procedures. Additionally, teachers will regularly review the classroom expectations and procedures throughout the year.

  3. The teacher is to inform the student and notify the parent if the student is having persistent behavior problems in class.

  4. Extreme disruptions could result in an immediate office referral without parent notification.

  5. The classroom teacher will handle routine discipline issues through their classroom management system and, when needed, seek the support of the administrative staff.

All school expectations apply to students on their way to school, while at school, on the way home from school, and at school events, even if not during the regular school day. The Falcon Way Behavior Expectations will be modeled, taught, and re-taught, to all students. Should a student continue to not meet the Falcon Way Expectations, the Discipline Referral System will be followed to implement logical consequences and supportive interventions for students.

Positive Behavior Recognition

The Loomis Grammar School community recognizes that people usually choose to engage in positive behavior, and avoid misconduct, when positive behavior is recognized, appreciated, and rewarded. For these reasons, staff, parents, and other students will be encouraged to recognize, appreciate, and reward appropriate behavior. Below is a limited list of the positive reinforcements that will be used by the staff on a frequent basis:

Talon Tickets

Verbal praise and recognition given directly to the student

Verbal praise and recognition of a student to others in the student’s presence

Special classroom and school privileges and responsibilities

Special notes and postcards to students and/or their parents