Arrival and Departure from School

Student safety is a top priority for our Falcon community. Thank you for supporting us by using the crosswalks and parent waiting areas if you are parking. Please do not cross through the middle of the parking lot during arrival and dismissal.

Pick-up/Drop-off Procedures

The loading/unloading zones are against the curb only. For safety reasons, do not pick-up/drop-off in the driving or fire lane. When dropping off or picking up your child in the loading zones, please do not leave your vehicle unattended. There are adequate parking stalls available should you need to leave your vehicle.

If you choose to park and walk your student(s) onto campus, we request that once the bell rings all visitors either immediately leave campus or sign in at the office if they are planning to stay and volunteer. This will ensure all visitors on campus have followed our recommended procedures.

Before School Supervision

Supervision begins at 8:15am. Please do not have your child arrive prior to 8:15am. Upon arrival, students should go directly to their classroom lines when they arrive at school at 8:15am. Students are not permitted in classrooms at any time unless a teacher is present.

After School Dismissal and Supervision

For the safety of all our students, children may not be picked up from the classrooms. We are requesting that parents/visitors at the end of the day please wait at the front of the school and not enter campus or wait by classrooms.

All students are expected to walk to the front of the school, or to the bus zone, to look for their rides after the last bell. Parents may park their cars and walk over to the pick-up area to get their child(ren), or drive through the loading/unloading zone and have their child(ren) meet them there.

Staff supervision is provided for 15 minutes after school. Students cannot wait on the playground or elsewhere on campus after school. Please make arrangements to have your child(ren) picked up promptly after school.