Eighth Grade Promotion*

Elementary School Minimum Promotion Activity RequirementsBoard Policy 6146.5

The Loomis Union School District has set high standards for participation in promotion activities. In order to participate in the promotion activities (ceremony, field trip and dance) students must meet the following:

Minimum Promotion Activities Requirements

1. Students must average a grade of “D” (1.0 cumulative GPA) or better, in each core subject respectfully, during the eighth grade year (Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Science).

2. Students will have no more than one “F” grade in the third trimester core classes.

3. Students must maintain a school attendance of at least 80% from the time they enroll or attend school during their eighth grade year.

4. Students must maintain satisfactory citizenship and behavior. Students may be excluded from the promotion activities, per principal’s discretion.

5. Students transferring into the district after the start of the school year will be subject to the criteria stated above.

Promotion Ceremony and Dance Dress Code:

The Loomis Union School District School enforces a dress code for the eighth grade promotion ceremony and dance. You are asked to read the policy and discuss it with your child. Please note the sentence stating that students will be unable to participate in the promotion ceremony or the dance if they are inappropriately attired.

Students may wear pants, dress shorts, skirts, collared shirts, dress tops (with straps at least 1” wide), dresses, or rompers that extend past the palm (no denim material). Garments may not have rips or tears and undergarments must be covered. No strapless, spaghetti strap, or backless tops may be worn unless worn with a sweater, shawl or cover-up. The event may be outdoors and we recommend shoes that the student is able to walk in on uneven surfaces.

Students who are unclear should have their attire approved by their principal in advance of the ceremony and dance.

Students who are inappropriately attired will be asked to make necessary adjustments or will be refused permission to participate in the promotion ceremony or the dance.

Students are not permitted to bring a backpack or bag into the dance. It is strongly encouraged that students do not bring personal items (jackets, purses, etc…) to the dance. Any items brought will be checked at the door and may be subject to search.

Limousines are not appropriate for promotion or the dance.

Parent Communication of Expectations

Parents will be provided the following information throughout the school year:

1. Progress reports,

2. At risk letters and other communication,

3. Parent conferences.

Grades and promotion eligibility status will be finalized on the Monday prior to promotion activities. Parents of any students not meeting promotion activity requirements will be notified.