Slow Computer

Catman is faced with a slow computer. Recently, his computer has become slower and less reliable. Using F.L.I.P., help Catman get back on pace.

First restart device.

Sometimes devices need to take a break too.

Look at lights and cables.

Since the computer is otherwise functioning the device has a charge and power. It should be plugged in to a power source in case the battery is getting low. Unplug cables and peripherals (USB Drives, Mouse, etc.) that are not in use.

Investigate settings and alternate options.

One of the most common reasons for a slow computer are programs running in the background. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to open the Windows Task Manager. Highlight any programs not in use and choose End Task, which should force quit the program and free up working memory on the computer. Spyware and other malware is a big cause of many computer problems, including a slow computer. If this is a suspicion of the issue, please go to last step.

Put in Incident.

If the problem persists, go to LCPSGO and submit Incident via LANDesk Service Desk.