No Sound

Zebra Man wants to share a video with his class. The projector and computer are all connected and ready to go. The video is on screen, but once he pushes play there isn't any sound. Using F.L.I.P., help Zebra Man hear.

First restart device.

Restarting the computer can prompt it to search for and re-install sound drivers it may have forgot about.

Look at lights and cables.

Check all audio ports for cable connections. If headphones are plugged in, unplug them. Be sure any physical volume knobs are turned up.

Investigate settings and alternate options.

Check the sound setting on the device to ensure volume is not muted and turned up. Check the sound source by right clicking the sound icon and hovering over the speaker/headphone image at the top of the sound bar to make sure the computer is sending the sound it the correct hardware.

Put in Incident.

If the problem persists, go to LCPSGO and submit Incident via LANDesk Service Desk.