World Languages

Administrator: Jordan Sterio    |    Phone: 453-1500, ext. 4001    |    Department Chair: Aileen Levy

World Language study contributes to the development of a positive attitude toward the global community. Students develop an awareness of values other than our own, discover other social and cultural structures, and develop proficiencies in communication. Regent’s credit will be awarded to those students who successfully pass a level 3 World Language exam. It is strongly recommended that language students enroll in a sequence of study that will complete the full range of linguistic skills and develop a deepening awareness of the foreign country’s culture. The Level 4, Level 5 and AP courses fulfill these objectives.



40 Weeks    |    1 Credit    |    Grade 9-12    |    Course Number: 5501/5521

Required course materials:

French:  3 ring binder

Spanish: 3 ring binder

This is a beginning level course for both the student who has never had foreign language exposure and the student who had foreign language exposure in the seventh and/or eighth grade but who has not yet completed Level 1. The skills taught are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Upon successful completion of this course, a student is encouraged to continue with French 2 or Spanish 2.


40 Weeks    |    1 Credit    |    Grade 9-12    |    Course Number: 5506/5525

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level 1

Required course materials:

French:  3 ring binder

Spanish: 3 ring binder

This course is designed for the student who is capable of continuing in a World Language course leading to the Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation. The student continues to develop the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Upon successful completion of this course, a student is encouraged to continue with French 3 or Spanish 3.


40 Weeks    |    1 Credit    |    Grade 9-12    |    Course Number: 5504/5524

Prerequisite: It is recommended a minimum academic average of 90 in Level 1 and recommendation of Level 1 teacher

Required course materials:

French:  3-ring binder

Spanish: 3-ring binder

This course is designed for the Level 2 student who is capable of a faster pace of instruction. At this level, emphasis shifts from the listening and speaking skills to more reading and writing. The accelerated pace will allow for considerable enrichment. Upon successful completion of this course, students are encouraged to continue with French 3H / Spanish 3H.


40 Weeks    |    1 Credit  |   Grade 10-12   |  Course Number: 5511/5531

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level 2. Students who have successfully completed Level 2 or 2H are eligible to elect this course.

Required course materials:

French:  3 ring binder, divider tabs, loose-leaf paper

Spanish: 3 ring binder, index cards, 1-subject notebook

The Exam for Regents Credit will be given at the end of this course. Upon successful completion of this course, students are encouraged to continue with a Level 4 French or Spanish course.


40 Weeks    |    1 Credit    |    Grade 10-12    |    Course Number: 5510

Prerequisite: It is recommended an average of 90 in Level 2 Honors and teacher recommendation

Required course materials:  3-ring binder, divider tabs, loose-leaf paper

This course is recommended for students who have successfully completed level 2H or who wish to have a more enriched experience with the French language and culture. Advanced vocabulary and grammatical concepts will be explored. In addition, the Honors level classes will listen to podcasts and practice speaking using idiomatic expressions and transitions to impart a more native fluency to their speech. The final exam for Regents credit will be administered in June. This class will prepare the student to advance to the next level. Speaking in the French language will be emphasized as well as preparing students to be a real part of the French speaking community.


40 Weeks    |    1 Credit    |    Grade 10-12    |    Course Number: 5530

Prerequisite: It is recommended an average of 90 in Level 2 Honors and teacher recommendation

Required course materials: 3 ring binder, index cards, 1-subject notebook

Students who have successfully completed Spanish Level 2H may be recommended for this course. The focus of this course is the development of advanced audio lingual, reading, and writing skills. The Honors program is distinguished by the advanced preparation for Spanish 4H/SUNY 201 and Spanish 5/SUNY 202 or Spanish 5/AP.


40 Weeks    |    1 Credit    |    Grade 11-12    |    Course Number: 5514

Prerequisite: It is recommended successful completion of French 3 or 3H, including passing the Exam for Regents Credit, and teacher recommendation

Required course materials: 3-ring binder, divider tabs, loose-leaf paper 

This course enables the student to further explore French language, culture, and literature. Vocabulary and grammatical structures will continue to be practiced, but the focus will be on applying these concepts previously learned to learn about the many countries and cultures of the French-speaking world. Movies will be used as a means to explore culture and language. Food customs, short readings, and music will round out this international journey to places such as France, Vietnam and Québec. The student will be encouraged to speak, write and communicate in French. Online activities and a variety of projects will be offered. Enrollment in this course counts as a requirement for induction into Société Honoraire de Français.


40 Weeks    |    1 Credit    |    Grade 11-12    |    Course Number: 5534

Prerequisite: It is recommended successful completion of Spanish 3, including passing the Exam for Regents Credit, and teacher recommendation

Required course materials: 3 ring binder, index cards, 1-subject notebook

The focus of level 4 is to build upon the first three years of language instruction. There is a strong emphasis on classroom participation and oral fluency. The students will be expected to speak Spanish every class as a way to practice and improve their speaking skills. Vocabulary and grammatical structures will continue to be emphasized. Students will be introduced to reading short stories in Spanish. Students will be encouraged to use the language creatively through oral presentations. 


20 Weeks    |    1⁄2 Credit    |    Grade 9-12    |    Course Number: 5537

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish 1, including passing the Checkpoint A Examination, is recommended but not required.

Required course materials: 3 ring binder or folder

This culture course is designed for students to continue improving their awareness of Hispanic music, cooking, clothing, art, daily life, beliefs and famous Hispanic people in the past and present. This course will present many authentic activities to increase global awareness and cross-cultural understanding. This course will be conducted in English. This class does not take the place of a level-1 Checkpoint A language course. 

HISPANIC CULTURE  2  (Spring)   

20  Weeks   |    ½  Credit     |    Grade  9­‐12   |    Course  Number:  5538   

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish 1, including passing the Checkpoint A Examination, is recommended but not required.

Required course materials: folder or 3-ring binder

This culture course is designed for students to continue improving their awareness of Hispanic music, cooking, clothing, art, daily life, beliefs and famous Hispanic people in the past and present. This course will present many authentic activities to increase global awareness and cross-cultural understanding. This course will be conducted in English. This class does not take the place of a level-1 Checkpoint A language course. 


40 Weeks  |   1 LHS Credit   |    3 College Credits   |    Grade 11-­12   |    Course Number: 5515 

Prerequisite: It is recommended an average of 90 in Level 3 Honors and teacher recommendation.

Required course materials:  3-ring binder, divider tabs, loose-leaf paper

This course is designed to continue into deeper study of French and Francophone cultures with the opportunity to earn 3 college credits and/or to prepare students for the NYS Seal of Biliteracy. Students will explore a variety of topics of the French language, culture, history and literature, with a focus on developing Intermediate Mid-Intermediate High proficiency levels in French. Movies, songs, literature and projects will be used as mediums to propel students to the comparative study of various Francophone regions around the world. Enrollment in this course counts as a requirement for induction into Société Honoraire de Français. This course is a prerequisite to French 5H/SUNY 202 and is a requirement for the NYS Seal of Biliteracy.

NOTE: Students have the opportunity to earn 3 credits from SUNY Oswego upon successful completion of this course (FRE201). The estimated SUNY Oswego tuition will be $175.


40 Weeks   |   1 LHS Credit   |   3 College Credits   |   Grade 11-­12   |   Course Number: 5532 

Prerequisite: Level 3 Honors is required with a recommended average of 85 and/or teacher recommendation.

Required course materials: 3-ring binder, index cards, 1-subject notebook

This course is designed to continue advanced study of the target language by building upon the skills introduced in Spanish 3H. Students will immerse themselves in the language in order to substantially increase their reading, speaking, writing and listening ability. Students will be expected to participate in the language on a daily basis. Students will perfect their reading skills through literature and poetry by Latin American and Spanish authors and their listening skills through the use of authentic recordings and podcasts. Students will continue to develop their own personal style of written communication. Students will also be engaged in the practical and creative aspects of the language. This includes class discussions and writing and presenting original material. A student who successfully completes the course is eligible to receive SUNY 201 credit and enroll in the SUNY 202 course the following year.

Note: Students have the opportunity to earn 3 credits from SUNY Oswego upon successful completion of this course. The estimated SUNY Oswego tuition will be $200.


40 Weeks    |    1 Credit    |   Grade 12     |    Course Number: 5519 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level 4

Required course materials: 3-ring binder, divider tabs, loose-leaf paper

This course offers the student the opportunity to deepen his/ her knowledge of the French language  and Francophone culture through the study of French Impressionist art, French cinema, French speaking African nations, French literature, and more. Current French films will be used to further expand knowledge of culture and history. On-­‐line activities and projects, such as recreating an Impressionist painting will be offered. Students will be encouraged to participate in French as they prepare to move on to the global community. Enrollment in this course counts as a requirement for maintaining membership in the Société Honoraire de Français.


40 Weeks    |     1 Credit    |     Grade 12    |     Course Number: 5539 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level 4

Required course materials:  3 ring binder, index cards, 1-subject notebook

In addition to the traditional study of grammar, literature, and writing, emphasis is placed on  enriching the language experience and strengthening the student's ability to communicate both verbally and in written form. Increased language proficiency will be achieved by means of extensive oral discussion of current events. Emphasis is also placed on the appreciation of Spanish art, history, and culture. A variety of movies and class projects contribute to the development of speaking and listening abilities. Spanish 5 will refine the student's writing skills and speaking skills in order to provide a transition from high school classes to college courses by maintaining language skills.


40 Weeks    |    1 LHS Credit     |     3 College Credits   |     Grade 11-­12    |    Course Number: 5518 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of French 4/SUNY

Required course materials:  3-ring binder, divider tabs, loose-leaf paper

This course offers the student the opportunity to deepen his/her knowledge of French language, culture and history through a variety of current world issues. This course helps students to broaden their worldview by using their knowledge of the French language to understand and compare world cultural products, practices, and perspectives of the French-speaking world with those of their own communities. The course incorporates interdisciplinary topics across a variety of themes and provides opportunities for students to demonstrate their proficiency and ability to use French as a world language in preparation for the NYS Seal of Biliteracy. Seal of Biliteracy presentations take place in the Spring. NOTES: Students must meet specific requirements to be considered for the NYS Seal of Biliteracy.

Note: Students have the opportunity to earn 3 credits from SUNY Oswego upon successful completion of this course (FRE202). The estimated SUNY Oswego tuition will be $175.


40 Weeks    |    1 LHS Credit    |     3 College Credits    |     Grade 12    |     Course Number: 5541 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish 4/SUNY

Required course materials: 3 ring binder, index cards, 1-subject notebook

This course is comparable to a 202 level university course with an emphasis on conversation and composition. The objective of the course is that the student will achieve a high level of ability in all four skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing). At this point, the student should comprehend and produce language that is equivalent to that which is used in a first semester second-­‐year college level course. The student must not only be well prepared but also have a high level of motivation and interest as well as sufficient time to prepare out-­‐of-­‐class reading and writing assignments.

Note: Students have the opportunity to earn 3 credits from SUNY Oswego upon successful completion of this course. The estimated SUNY Oswego tuition will be $200.


40 Weeks    |    1 Credit    |    Grade 12     |     Course Number: 5581/5582 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level 4 Honors and teacher recommendation

Required course materials: 3-ring binder

Advanced Placement French / Spanish is a fifth level course, which has 2 primary goals: to prepare students to perform at a high level of proficiency and to offer students the opportunity to earn college credits through the AP Language Examination. Students will explore a variety of topics in history, literature, art, music, film, and contemporary issues as they master their language skills and prepare for the future. In AP French, taking the National French Exam, administered in March, is required. The estimated fee for the required AP exam is $94.


40 Weeks     |     1 Credit     |      Grade 9-­12    |    Course Number: 5551 

Prerequisite: None

Required course materials: Folder or 3-ring binder

Latin 1 is a full-­‐year course open to all students grades 9-­‐12. Students will recognize, identify, and apply the basic elements of vocabulary and grammar to read elementary Latin passages. Emphasis is put on the development of English vocabulary through the study of etymology, derivatives, and Latin phrases used in English. Daily life of the Romans, Greco-­‐Roman myths and legends, history, art, and the Roman influence on our civilization are also learned through the readings.


40 Weeks    |    1 Credit    |     Grade 10­‐12    |     Course Number: 5552 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Latin 1

Required course materials: Folder or 3-ring binder

This course is a continuation of Latin 1. Students will further develop their Latin vocabulary and grammar, with an emphasis on reading comprehension skills. Students will begin to read longer passages of both adapted and authentic Latin from original authors. The student will also be exposed to a more in-­‐depth study of Roman culture. Topics vary to include Roman family life, literature, mythology, government, history, etc.


40 Weeks    |    1 Credit    |    Grade 11-­12   |    Course Number: 5553 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Latin 2

Required course materials: Folder or 3-ring binder

This course is a comprehensive review of Latin grammar accompanied by a broadening of vocabulary skills. There will be an emphasis on reading Latin through mythological and historical readings to further expand cultural knowledge and understanding. Students will read and translate the works of Caesar and Cicero and other great authors of the ancient world. The Comprehensive Examination for Regents credit is given at the end of the year.


40 Weeks    |    1 Credit    |    Grade 11-­12   |    Course Number: 5553 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Latin 2

Required course materials: Folder or 3-ring binder

This course is a comprehensive review of Latin grammar accompanied by a broadening of vocabulary skills. There will be an emphasis on reading Latin through mythological and historical readings to further expand cultural knowledge and understanding. Students will read and translate the works of Caesar and Cicero and other great authors of the ancient world. The Comprehensive Examination for Regents credit is given at the end of the year.