Sadly, we are again bringing to your attention the dangerous and inconsiderate parking on Ridge Road, Beeches Road and the surrounding roads outside school. I know pick up and drop off times are difficult and very busy due to large amounts of children on our site, however a small minority of parents from the school, are still parking without any thought for our local residents or parents walking their children to school.

We have been receiving complaints from residents very unhappy about cars being parked across their drives, on white lines, double dropped kerbs and near junctions. This parking can pose a safety risk to pupils and parents that do walk/cycle/scooter to school, as well as to other road users.

We are an eco school, I would like to encourage parents and pupils to use more sustainable modes of travel to get to school where this is possible. I do understand that parents or carers will sometimes need to drive their children to school, however, I would urge where possible for parents/guardians to park away from the school and then walk in.

Please could you think of the safety of ALL our children and refrain from parking across residents driveways as this is an offence which could also result in a Penalty Charge Notice.

Thank you in advance for you support in this important issue and let’s hope together we can ensure the safety of the children and be more considerate to our local residents.


It has been bought to our attention that some parents/carers that drive their children to school sit in their cars with the engines on.

As a healthy school we support children walking to school and we ask parents /carers to leave there cars at home. We do know that this is not always possible, so if you do drive please can we politely ask you to turn off your engines when waiting to drop off or collect your child.