Year 5 have been doing lots of excting work to end this half term! In Maths, we completed our topic of 'Whole Numbers, Multiplication and Division'. We were able to deepen our understanding by answering some challenging word problems using the RUCSAC method to show our understanding of the questions. We have now moved on to learning about time and how to read information from timetables. The children have been really good at explaining their prior knowledge of the topic and applying this to their future learning!

In English, we have continued reading 'The London Eye Mystery'. The children have been doing some fantastic work predicting what will happen next in the story. First, the children created a story map of the key events of the story. Following this, the children discussed how mum would react to her children investigating the case without her permission and took part in some fantastic role play. It was fantastic to see the children really take ownership in their role and really consider the facial expressions, actions, tone of voice and body language of their character. Have a look at some of our English work below!

In DT, we have been busy creating our Moon Buggies! In groups, the children were tasked to create a Buggy that showed all of the features we have researched previously. The children showed great determination and creativity completing these!

During Science this week, the children recapped their prior learning and create their own websites about our space topic! They were fantastic at organising the information in an appropriate way to ensure it was easily accessible.

Amongst all of our hard work, we also have been really enjoying practising for our Year 5 and 6 carol concert. We are so excited to show the final product on Tuesday! Year 5 would like to say thank you for your continued support this term. We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and we look forward to welcoming you back in the Autumn.