Year 6 have had another brilliant coupe of weeks. From baking ginger bread to tackling decimals they sure do deserve a restful Christmas.

Maths has seen the children tackling decimals. They are able to identify the value of each digit in numbers up to three decimal places, multiply and divide numbers by 10,100 and 1000, giving numbers to three decimal places, associate a fraction with division and calcuate decial fratcion equivalent for a simple fraction and able to multiply 1-digit numbers, with up to two decimal places, by 1-digit whole numbers, with and withou regrouping.

In this weeks English lessons, year 6 have been busy finishing the class novel - Holes. The ending has sure got them hooked and wanting to read the sequel. Using the information from the ending of the story, year 6 are going to be writing their own alternative endings. They have began planning out their ideas and sharing some brilliant, detailed sentences that they may include in their own pieces next week.

Year 6 have had a fantastic, festive week making their gingerbread. It smelted delicious when they making dough and we are looking forward to seeing the final results.

Year 6 have also been busy practising for the Christmas concert and are looking forward to welcoming friends an family to watch on Tuesday.

We would like to take the time to say thank you to everyone for your continued support throughout the Autumn term and we hope you all have a restful Christmas. The year 6 team look forward to welcoming you back on Wednesday 4th January.