Kyoto Env&Dev Seminar

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar is a hybrid seminar series on environmental and development issues in Asia and Africa hosted by the Division of Natural Resource Economics at Kyoto University. 

The seminar format is 60 min presentation & 15 min Q&A. 

To attend a seminar via Zoom, please register in advance for each seminar to receive the Zoom link. The venue to attend a seminar in person is the Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) /北部キャンパス旧演習林事務室・共同会議室.

Seminars in 2024/25

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #43

Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 15:30–17:00 JST

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar Registration

Presenter: Yuma Noritomo (Cornell University) HP

Title: Long-run Effects of Catastrophic Drought Insurance

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #44

Date: Thursday, April 24, 2025, 15:00–16:30 JST

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar Registration Registration

Presenter: Gwen-Jirō Clochard (University of Osaka) HP 

Title: TBA

Past Seminars in 2022

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #1

Date: October 28 Thu, 16:45-17:45 JST 

Presenter: Goytom Abraha Kahsay (University of Copenhagen) HP

Title: Monitoring and forest cover: Experimental evidence from Ethiopia

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #2

Date: November 11 Thu, 10:30-11:30 JST

Presenter: Yuki Yamamoto (Nagasaki University) HP

Title: Leaving School for Marriage? New Evidence on the Impact of Agricultural Price Boom on Child Education 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #3

Date: November 25 Thu, 16:45-17:45 JST 

Presenter: Liza von Grafenstein (University of Göttingen)  HP

Title: Impacts of Double-Fortified Salt on Anemia and Cognition: Four-Year Follow-up Evidence from a School-Based Nutrition Intervention in India 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #4

Date: December 2 Thu, 10:30-11:30 JST 

Presenter: Yuya Kudo (IDE-JETRO) HP

Title: Impacts of Legislation for Infectious Disease Control: Evidence from HIV Testing in Mali 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #5

Date: December 9 Thu, 10:30-11:30 JST

Presenter: Kentaro Kawasaki (University of Tokyo) HP

Title: Gravity of farmland: Spatial model of land fragmentation and farm size growth 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #6

Date: December 23 Thu, 10:30-11:30 JST

Presenter: Yuko Nakano (Tsukuba University) HP

Title: Agricultural Mechanization, Animal Traction, and Extensification and Intensification or Rice Farming: The Case of Tanzania

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #7

Date: January 13 Thu, 10:30-11:30 JST 

Presenter: Yimeng Du (Kyoto University) HP 

Title: Can climate mitigation help the poor? Measuring impacts of the renewable energy-related CDM projects in rural China 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #8

Date: May 12 Thu, 16:45-17:45 JST 

Presenter: Esther Gehrke (Wageningen University)  HP 

Title: Start what you Finish! Ex ante risk and schooling investments in the presence of dynamic complementarities

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #9

Date: May 19 Thu, 10:30-11:30 JST 

Presenter: Ai Takeuchi (Ritsumeikan University) HP

Title: Flood risk and household waste management: An experimental study of the effect of information provision on the avoidance of probabilistic public bads

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #10

Date: May 26 Thu, 16:45-17:45 JST 

Presenter: Stein Holden (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) HP

Title: Is diminishing impatience in time-dated risky prospects explained by probability weighting? (Paper: This is work in progress that the authors hope to improve upon.)

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #11

Date: June 9 Thus, 10:30-11:30 JST

Presenter: Hiroki Wakamatsu (PRIMAFF: Policy Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) HP

Title: Verifying seafood ecolabeling as a certification of sustainable fish stock 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #12

Date: June 23 Thus, 10:30-11:30 JST 

Presenter: Takefumi Fujimoto (University of Tokyo)

Title: Detecting farmers' heterogeneous behaviors: Comparison of two studies using a threshold model and an interaction term

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #13

Date: June 30 Thus, 10:30-11:30 JST 

Presenter: Hisako Nomura (Kyusyu University) HP

Title: How do small-scale cassava farmers overcome global issues? –cassava profit and technical efficiency in Cambodia 

Past Seminars in 2023

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #14

Date: January 26 Thu 2023, 16:45-18:15 JST 

Presenter: Masanori Matsuura (IDE-JETRO) HP

Title: Weather Shocks, Livelihood Diversification, and Household Food Security: Empirical Evidence from Rural Bangladesh 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #15

Date: February 13 Mon 2023, 16:00-17:30 JST 

Presenter: Wataru Kodama (The University of Göttingen) HP

Title: Family business during the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia: Role of government financial aid and coping strategies

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #16

Date: February 16 Thu 2023, 16:45-18:15 JST 

Presenter: Kei Kajisa (Aoyama Gakuin University) HP

Title: Paddy Cultivation as an Origin of Cooperative Norms: Evidence from Natural and Artefactual Experiments 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #17

Date: April 20 Thu 2023, 11:00-12:15 JST 

Venue: Online / E220, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Presenter: Christian Traeger (University of Oslo) HP

Title: SolACE -- Solar Geoengineering in an Analytic Climate Economy 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #18

Date: April 27 Thu 2023, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Online / E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Presenter: Yuki Higuchi (Sophia University) HP

Title: From Hospitality to Hostility: Impact of the Rohingya Refugee Influx on the Sentiments of Host Community

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #19-20

Date: May 25 Thu 2023, 15:00-18:15 JST 

Venue: Online / E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University


[15:00-16:30] Takeshi Sakurai (University of Tokyo) HP

[16:45-18:15] John Gibson (University of Waikato) HP


[15:00-16:30] Improving Infant Nutrition through the Market: Experimental Evidence from Ghana 

[16:45-18:15] Measurement errors in popular DMSP night-time lights data lead to understated estimates of spatial inequality and attenuated treatment effects in empirical political economy 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #21

Date: June 1 Thu 2023, 15:00-16:30 JST

Venue: Online / E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Presenter: Yi-Chun Ko (AGI)  HP

Title: Human and Physical Capitals as Farm Adaptation Capacity to Climate Change: Evidence from Corn Yields in US 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #22

Date: June 22 Thu 2023, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Online / E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Presenter: Rie Muraoka (JIRCAS) HP

Title: Sustainable Intensification of Maize Farming in Kenya: Evidence from a Longitudinal Smallholder Survey 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #23

Date: June 29 Thu 2023, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Online / E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Presenter: Chihiro Yagi (Kobe University)

Title: Electricity Storage or Transmission?: Comparing Social Welfare between Electricity Arbitrage

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #24

Date: July 4 Tue 2023, 16:45-18:15 JST

Venue: Online / E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Presenter: Ayal Kimhi (Hebrew University) HP

Title: Foreign Workers in Israeli Agriculture and their Effect on Local Wages  

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #25

Date: July 13 Tue 2023, 15:00-16:30 JST

Venue: Online / E020, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Presenter: Louis-Antoine Saïsset (Institut Agro Montpellier) HP

Title: Innovation and sustainability in French wine firms: the importance of environmental aspects 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #26

Date: October 26 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Takashi Kurosaki (Hitotsubashi University) HP 

Title: Effects of the Covid-19 & Natural Agricultural Shocks on Preferences of Pakistani Farmers (co-authored with Hamza Umer, Hitotsubashi University)  

Special Event: JADE Young Conference HP

Date: November 18 

Conference Program (as of Oct 21)

Venue: Kobayashi & Maskawa Memorial Room, Maskawa Bldg., & Seminar Room, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #27

Date: November 30 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Tomoki Fujii (Singapore Management University) HP 

Title: Agricultural Seasonality and Conditional Cash Transfer: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in Bangladesh

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #28

Date: December 28 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST

Venue: E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: Keisuke Takano (Saga University) HP 

Title: Path-dependence in the location of business agglomeration: Case of postwar land requisition

Past Seminars in 2024

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #29

Date: January 11 Thu, 16:45-18:15 JST

Venue: E220, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: David Wolf (Kobe University)

Title: Batten Down the Hatches: Hedonic Valuation of Private Hurricane Protection  (co-authored with Kenji Takeuchi, Kyoto University, and Tang Cheng Keat, Nanyang Technological University) 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #30

Date: March 9 Sat, 13:00- 14:30 JST

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University. (North Campus, #15 on this map) / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Akinori Kitsuki (Kyushu University)  

Title: Vulnerability to seasonal food insecurity as an exposure to risk: the case of the Southern Province of Zambia

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #31

Date: April 25 Thu, 15:00- 16:30 JST

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (North Campus, #15 on this map) / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Frode Alfnes (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

Title: Consumer Perspectives on Digital and Sustainable Transitions in Food and Energy Markets

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #32

Date: May 2 Thu, 15:00- 16:30 JST

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (North Campus, #15 on this map) / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: Kazuki Motohashi (Hitotsubashi University) HP 

Title: Extreme Temperatures and Adaptive Health Investment: Evidence from Sanitation Behaviors in India 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #33

Date: May 9 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (North Campus, #15 on this map) / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Aline Mortha (Waseda University)

Title: Implicit carbon pricing and inter-fuel substitution in manufacturing: the case of the Japanese Feed-in-Tariff

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #34

Date: May 23 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: Duc Tran (Hiroshima University) 

Title: Soil Information and Agricultural Technology Adoption: Experimental Evidence from Vietnam 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #35

Date: May 30 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Yuko Mori (Tsuda University) HP 

Title: The Roads to Hospital: Connectivity and Insurance Utilization with Tanika Chakraborty (co-authored with Tanika Chakraborty, IIM Calcutta) 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #36

Date: June 6 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Neda Trifkovic (University of Copenhagen) HP 

Title: Fishermen’s wives: On the cultural origins of violence against women (co-authored with Vincent Leyaro and Pablo Selaya) 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #37

Date: June 13 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Tomoya Matsumoto (Otaru University of Commerce)

Title: Evaluation of a financial incentive intervention on malaria prevalence among the residents in Lake Victoria basin, Kenya 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #38: Virtual Seminar

Date: August 30 Fri, 10:30-11:30 JST 

Venue: E220, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University map/ Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Raphael Babatunde (University of Ilorin) HP

Title: Randomized Control Trial Analysis of Short-term Effect of Health Training Intervention on the Productivity of Crop Farmers in Nigeria 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #39 (Joint with Asian Economic Development Seminar)

Date: December 5 Thu, 15:00- 16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: Junichi Yamasaki (Kyoto University) HP 

Title: Regime Change and Cities: Evidence from the Meiji Restoration (Joint with Masahiro Kubo, Ken Miura, Michihiro Nakamura) 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #40

Date: December 12 Thu, 15:00- 16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: Jun Goto (GRIPS) HP 

Title: Judicial Independence and Economic Development: Evidence from the Constitutional Reinterpretation in India 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #41 (Joint with Resilience Seminar)

Date: Thursday, January 9, 2025, 15:00–16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: Priscilla Hamukwala (University of Zambia)

Title: Exploring gender differences in the preferences of biofortified food crops in Nigeria, Rwanda and Zambia 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #42

Date: Thursday, January 16, 2025, 15:00–16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: Nguyen Vuong (University of Tsukuba) HP 

Title: The Persistent Health Effects of Defoliating Vietnam 

Kyoto Development Economic Research (KDER) Student Workshop

Date: Thursday, February 20, 2025, 9:15–15:25 JST

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map)

Please check this page for the program.


The seminar series is supported by the Murata Science Foundation and Kyoto University Foundation.

Organizers: Kei Kajisa, Yohei Mitani, Ken Miura

Contact: Send questions about the seminars to

Division of Natural Resource Economics, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University.