Kyoto Env&Dev Seminar

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar is a hybrid seminar series on environmental and development issues in Asia and Africa hosted by the Division of Natural Resource Economics at Kyoto University. 

The seminar format is 60 min presentation & 15 min Q&A. 

To attend a seminar via Zoom, please register in advance for each seminar to receive the Zoom link. The venue to attend a seminar in person is the Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) /北部キャンパス旧演習林事務室・共同会議室.

Seminars in 2024/25

Kyoto Development Economic Research (KDER) Student Workshop

Date: Thursday, February 20, 2025, 9:15–15:25 JST

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map)

Please check this page for the program.

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #43

Date: Thursday, April 24, 2025, 15:00–16:30 JST

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: Gwen-Jirō Clochard (University of Osaka) HP 

Title: TBA

Past Seminars in 2022

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #1

Date: October 28 Thu, 16:45-17:45 JST 

Presenter: Goytom Abraha Kahsay (University of Copenhagen) HP

Title: Monitoring and forest cover: Experimental evidence from Ethiopia

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #2

Date: November 11 Thu, 10:30-11:30 JST

Presenter: Yuki Yamamoto (Nagasaki University) HP

Title: Leaving School for Marriage? New Evidence on the Impact of Agricultural Price Boom on Child Education 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #3

Date: November 25 Thu, 16:45-17:45 JST 

Presenter: Liza von Grafenstein (University of Göttingen)  HP

Title: Impacts of Double-Fortified Salt on Anemia and Cognition: Four-Year Follow-up Evidence from a School-Based Nutrition Intervention in India 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #4

Date: December 2 Thu, 10:30-11:30 JST 

Presenter: Yuya Kudo (IDE-JETRO) HP

Title: Impacts of Legislation for Infectious Disease Control: Evidence from HIV Testing in Mali 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #5

Date: December 9 Thu, 10:30-11:30 JST

Presenter: Kentaro Kawasaki (University of Tokyo) HP

Title: Gravity of farmland: Spatial model of land fragmentation and farm size growth 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #6

Date: December 23 Thu, 10:30-11:30 JST

Presenter: Yuko Nakano (Tsukuba University) HP

Title: Agricultural Mechanization, Animal Traction, and Extensification and Intensification or Rice Farming: The Case of Tanzania

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #7

Date: January 13 Thu, 10:30-11:30 JST 

Presenter: Yimeng Du (Kyoto University) HP 

Title: Can climate mitigation help the poor? Measuring impacts of the renewable energy-related CDM projects in rural China 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #8

Date: May 12 Thu, 16:45-17:45 JST 

Presenter: Esther Gehrke (Wageningen University)  HP 

Title: Start what you Finish! Ex ante risk and schooling investments in the presence of dynamic complementarities

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #9

Date: May 19 Thu, 10:30-11:30 JST 

Presenter: Ai Takeuchi (Ritsumeikan University) HP

Title: Flood risk and household waste management: An experimental study of the effect of information provision on the avoidance of probabilistic public bads

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #10

Date: May 26 Thu, 16:45-17:45 JST 

Presenter: Stein Holden (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) HP

Title: Is diminishing impatience in time-dated risky prospects explained by probability weighting? (Paper: This is work in progress that the authors hope to improve upon.)

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #11

Date: June 9 Thus, 10:30-11:30 JST

Presenter: Hiroki Wakamatsu (PRIMAFF: Policy Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) HP

Title: Verifying seafood ecolabeling as a certification of sustainable fish stock 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #12

Date: June 23 Thus, 10:30-11:30 JST 

Presenter: Takefumi Fujimoto (University of Tokyo)

Title: Detecting farmers' heterogeneous behaviors: Comparison of two studies using a threshold model and an interaction term

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #13

Date: June 30 Thus, 10:30-11:30 JST 

Presenter: Hisako Nomura (Kyusyu University) HP

Title: How do small-scale cassava farmers overcome global issues? –cassava profit and technical efficiency in Cambodia 

Past Seminars in 2023

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #14

Date: January 26 Thu 2023, 16:45-18:15 JST 

Presenter: Masanori Matsuura (IDE-JETRO) HP

Title: Weather Shocks, Livelihood Diversification, and Household Food Security: Empirical Evidence from Rural Bangladesh 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #15

Date: February 13 Mon 2023, 16:00-17:30 JST 

Presenter: Wataru Kodama (The University of Göttingen) HP

Title: Family business during the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia: Role of government financial aid and coping strategies

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #16

Date: February 16 Thu 2023, 16:45-18:15 JST 

Presenter: Kei Kajisa (Aoyama Gakuin University) HP

Title: Paddy Cultivation as an Origin of Cooperative Norms: Evidence from Natural and Artefactual Experiments 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #17

Date: April 20 Thu 2023, 11:00-12:15 JST 

Venue: Online / E220, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Presenter: Christian Traeger (University of Oslo) HP

Title: SolACE -- Solar Geoengineering in an Analytic Climate Economy 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #18

Date: April 27 Thu 2023, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Online / E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Presenter: Yuki Higuchi (Sophia University) HP

Title: From Hospitality to Hostility: Impact of the Rohingya Refugee Influx on the Sentiments of Host Community

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #19-20

Date: May 25 Thu 2023, 15:00-18:15 JST 

Venue: Online / E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University


[15:00-16:30] Takeshi Sakurai (University of Tokyo) HP

[16:45-18:15] John Gibson (University of Waikato) HP


[15:00-16:30] Improving Infant Nutrition through the Market: Experimental Evidence from Ghana 

[16:45-18:15] Measurement errors in popular DMSP night-time lights data lead to understated estimates of spatial inequality and attenuated treatment effects in empirical political economy 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #21

Date: June 1 Thu 2023, 15:00-16:30 JST

Venue: Online / E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Presenter: Yi-Chun Ko (AGI)  HP

Title: Human and Physical Capitals as Farm Adaptation Capacity to Climate Change: Evidence from Corn Yields in US 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #22

Date: June 22 Thu 2023, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Online / E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Presenter: Rie Muraoka (JIRCAS) HP

Title: Sustainable Intensification of Maize Farming in Kenya: Evidence from a Longitudinal Smallholder Survey 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #23

Date: June 29 Thu 2023, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Online / E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Presenter: Chihiro Yagi (Kobe University)

Title: Electricity Storage or Transmission?: Comparing Social Welfare between Electricity Arbitrage

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #24

Date: July 4 Tue 2023, 16:45-18:15 JST

Venue: Online / E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Presenter: Ayal Kimhi (Hebrew University) HP

Title: Foreign Workers in Israeli Agriculture and their Effect on Local Wages  

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #25

Date: July 13 Tue 2023, 15:00-16:30 JST

Venue: Online / E020, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Presenter: Louis-Antoine Saïsset (Institut Agro Montpellier) HP

Title: Innovation and sustainability in French wine firms: the importance of environmental aspects 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #26

Date: October 26 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Takashi Kurosaki (Hitotsubashi University) HP 

Title: Effects of the Covid-19 & Natural Agricultural Shocks on Preferences of Pakistani Farmers (co-authored with Hamza Umer, Hitotsubashi University)  

Special Event: JADE Young Conference HP

Date: November 18 

Conference Program (as of Oct 21)

Venue: Kobayashi & Maskawa Memorial Room, Maskawa Bldg., & Seminar Room, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #27

Date: November 30 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Tomoki Fujii (Singapore Management University) HP 

Title: Agricultural Seasonality and Conditional Cash Transfer: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in Bangladesh

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #28

Date: December 28 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST

Venue: E217, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: Keisuke Takano (Saga University) HP 

Title: Path-dependence in the location of business agglomeration: Case of postwar land requisition

Past Seminars in 2024

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #29

Date: January 11 Thu, 16:45-18:15 JST

Venue: E220, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: David Wolf (Kobe University)

Title: Batten Down the Hatches: Hedonic Valuation of Private Hurricane Protection  (co-authored with Kenji Takeuchi, Kyoto University, and Tang Cheng Keat, Nanyang Technological University) 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #30

Date: March 9 Sat, 13:00- 14:30 JST

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University. (North Campus, #15 on this map) / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Akinori Kitsuki (Kyushu University)  

Title: Vulnerability to seasonal food insecurity as an exposure to risk: the case of the Southern Province of Zambia

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #31

Date: April 25 Thu, 15:00- 16:30 JST

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (North Campus, #15 on this map) / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Frode Alfnes (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

Title: Consumer Perspectives on Digital and Sustainable Transitions in Food and Energy Markets

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #32

Date: May 2 Thu, 15:00- 16:30 JST

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (North Campus, #15 on this map) / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: Kazuki Motohashi (Hitotsubashi University) HP 

Title: Extreme Temperatures and Adaptive Health Investment: Evidence from Sanitation Behaviors in India 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #33

Date: May 9 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (North Campus, #15 on this map) / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Aline Mortha (Waseda University)

Title: Implicit carbon pricing and inter-fuel substitution in manufacturing: the case of the Japanese Feed-in-Tariff

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #34

Date: May 23 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: Duc Tran (Hiroshima University) 

Title: Soil Information and Agricultural Technology Adoption: Experimental Evidence from Vietnam 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #35

Date: May 30 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Yuko Mori (Tsuda University) HP 

Title: The Roads to Hospital: Connectivity and Insurance Utilization with Tanika Chakraborty (co-authored with Tanika Chakraborty, IIM Calcutta) 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #36

Date: June 6 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Neda Trifkovic (University of Copenhagen) HP 

Title: Fishermen’s wives: On the cultural origins of violence against women (co-authored with Vincent Leyaro and Pablo Selaya) 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #37

Date: June 13 Thu, 15:00-16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Tomoya Matsumoto (Otaru University of Commerce)

Title: Evaluation of a financial incentive intervention on malaria prevalence among the residents in Lake Victoria basin, Kenya 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #38: Virtual Seminar

Date: August 30 Fri, 10:30-11:30 JST 

Venue: E220, Main Bldg., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University map/ Zoom Web Seminar 

Presenter: Raphael Babatunde (University of Ilorin) HP

Title: Randomized Control Trial Analysis of Short-term Effect of Health Training Intervention on the Productivity of Crop Farmers in Nigeria 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #39 (Joint with Asian Economic Development Seminar)

Date: December 5 Thu, 15:00- 16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: Junichi Yamasaki (Kyoto University) HP 

Title: Regime Change and Cities: Evidence from the Meiji Restoration (Joint with Masahiro Kubo, Ken Miura, Michihiro Nakamura) 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #40

Date: December 12 Thu, 15:00- 16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: Jun Goto (GRIPS) HP 

Title: Judicial Independence and Economic Development: Evidence from the Constitutional Reinterpretation in India 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #41 (Joint with Resilience Seminar)

Date: Thursday, January 9, 2025, 15:00–16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: Priscilla Hamukwala (University of Zambia)

Title: Exploring gender differences in the preferences of biofortified food crops in Nigeria, Rwanda and Zambia 

Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #42

Date: Thursday, January 16, 2025, 15:00–16:30 JST 

Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Map) / Zoom Web Seminar

Presenter: Nguyen Vuong (University of Tsukuba) HP 

Title: The Persistent Health Effects of Defoliating Vietnam 


The seminar series is supported by the Murata Science Foundation and Kyoto University Foundation.

Organizers: Kei Kajisa, Yohei Mitani, Ken Miura

Contact: Send questions about the seminars to

Division of Natural Resource Economics, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University.