• Macro data:

  1. Central Bureau of Statistics: The website of the national statistics office of Nepal which provides aggregate data. The main data categories are 1. population, 2. poverty, 3. labour, 4. social, 5. environment, 6. GIS, 7. national accounts, 8. prices & indices, 9. economic census, 10. agriculture & forest, 11. manufacturing census, and 12. trade.

  • Micro data:

  1. Central Bureau of Statistics - Microdata Catalog: The microdata webpage by the Central Bureau of Statistics. The data available are from 1. Annual Household Survey, 2. Household Consumption Survey of Rural Nepal, 3. Household Registration for Housing Reconstruction Survey, 4. National Census of Manufacturing Establishments, 5. National Economic Census, 6. National Population and Housing Census, 7. National Population Census, 8. National Sample Census of Agriculture, 9. Nepal Fishery Survey, 10. Nepal Labour Force Survey, 11. Nepal Living Standards Survey, 12. Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 13. Nepal Multiple Indicator Surveillance, and14. Vegetable Crops Survey.
    Type: Household & firm data, Access: Purchasable, Cost: Prices of NLSS and NLFS datasets published on the page

  2. Household Risk and Vulnerability Survey: A longitudinal survey conducted by the World Bank in 2016-18 to understand the shocks that dwellers in rural and peri-urban Nepal experience, the impacts of the shocks, and how the households’ coping strategies. The full panel dataset (2016-18) is available.
    Type: Household data, Access: License required, Cost: Free

  3. The Role of Information and Cash Transfers on Early Childhood Development 2013-2014, Evidence from Nepal: In this study, families with pregnant mothers and/or children below the age of 2 in extremely poor areas were assigned to the treatment that provided information on best practices about maternal and child health and nutrition, and cash. The outcomes of interest are maternal knowledge, behavior, child development, and nutrition. The dataset is made available through the World Bank Microdata Catalog.
    Type: Household-level, Access: Application required, Cost: Free

  4. Livelihoods, Basic Services, Social Protection and Perceptions of the State in Conflict-affected Situations Household Survey 2012, First Round: The study is a part of a cross-country panel survey in five conflict-affected countries (DRC, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Uganda). In the first round, data on people's livelihoods, their access to and experience of basic services, and their views of governance actors were collected. The dataset is made available through the World Bank Microdata Catalog. (Second-round data unavailable on the World Bank Microdata Catalog)
    Type: Individual-level (one adult per household), Access: Application required, Cost: Free