• Macro data:

  1. Mongolian Statistical Information Service: A website by the National Statistics Office of Mongolia which provides aggregate data. The main data categories are 1. population, 2. national accounts, 3. family and children, 4. labour force, labour underutilization and wage, 5. foreign trade, 6. public health, 7. livestock, 8. consumer price index, 9. money and finance, 10. transportation, 11. general government budget, 12. gender, 13. justice and crime, 14. business register, 15. household income, expenditure and minimum subsistence level of population, 16. education, 17. producer price index, 18. industry, 19. nature and environment, 20. tourism, 21. agriculture, 22. MDG indicators, 23. investment, 24. social insurance and welfare, 25. telecommunication, 26. disability, 27. science and culture, 28. trade, hotel and restaurant sector, 29. construction, 30. human development index, 31. food security, 32. election, 33. housing, public service and amenities, 34. administrative units, territory, 35. monasteries, temples and churches, 36. productivity, 37. environmental-economic account, 38. balance of payments, and 39. SDGs

  • Micro data:

  1. Mongolian Statistical Information Service: The microdata page of the Mongolian Statistical Information Service website. The data available are from 1. Social indicator sample survey, 2. Household Socio-Economic Survey, 3. Labour Force Survey, 4. Population and Housing Census, 5. Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 6. Reproductive Health Survey, 7. Time Use Study, and 8. Gender-Based Violence Survey.
    Type: Household data, Access: Application required, Cost: Free