1. Dartmouth College’s Research Guide on the 68th round of the Indian National Sample Survey (NSS): Provides the introduction to the 68th round NSS and related materials. The website also hosts the 68th round data.
    Type: Household data, Access: Downloadable without registration, Cost: Free

  2. National Data Archive: A microdata catalog by the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation. The available datasets are based on Annual Survey of Industries, Household Consumer Expenditure, Economic Census, Enterprises Surveys, Employment and Unemployment, etc.
    Type: Household & firm data, Access: Application required, Cost: Free

  3. ICSSR Data Service - Social Science Data Repository: A data catalog by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). The ICSSR Data Service hosts datasets based on national-level surveys on debt & investment, domestic tourism, enterprise survey, employment and unemployment, housing condition, household consumer expenditure, health care, etc.
    Type: Household & firm data, Access: Registration required, Cost: Free

  4. NSSO Data Analysis: Provides tutorials on how to extract and analyze National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) data.

  5. Young Lives: A collaborative longitudinal research project focuses on childhood poverty in four developing countries: Ethiopia, Peru, India (Andhra Pradesh), and Vietnam. The project follows cohorts of children born in 2001-02 and 1994-95. The survey is conducted every three years and consists of a child questionnaire, a household questionnaire, and a community questionnaire. The topics covered include household composition, livelihood and assets, household expenditure, child health and access to basic services, education, time-use, and test the children for school outcomes. The Department of International Development at the University of Oxford is the coordinator of this project. The data are hosted by the UK Data Service.
    Type: Household data, Access: Registration required (UK Data Service), Cost: Free

  6. World Bank Global Findex Database: Datasets with focus on financial access and financial service usage. In 2017, almost 150,000 people were surveyed (approximately 1,000 from each of 144 countries). Data include individual’s characteristics and financial behavior (ownership and/or usage) on credit card, debit card, borrowing account, deposit account, mobile and online financial services, and payments and remittances. For India, data from 2011, 2014, and 2017 are available.
    Type: Household data, Access: Application required (
    2011, 2014, and 2017), Cost: Free

  7. World Bank Enterprise Surveys: Enterprise Surveys launched by the World Bank offer an expansive array of economic data on 171,000 firms in 149 countries. The surveys collect information about a country's business environment, how it is experienced by individual firms, how it changes over time, and the various constraints to firm performance and growth. The full data sets are available at the firm level. For India, data from the Enterprise Survey (2014), Management, Organization and Innovation Survey (2009), Information and Communication Technology Survey (2006), Micro Investment Climate Survey (2006), Retail Investment Climate Survey (2006), Firm Analysis and Competitiveness Survey (2002, 2005) are available.
    Firm data, Access: Application required, Cost: Free

  8. COVID-19-Related Shocks in Rural India 2020, Rounds 1-3: The purpose of this 3-round survey is to collect data to inform the design and response of COVID-19 relief efforts. The dataset includes data on agriculture (COVID-19-related changes in price realization, acreage decisions, input expenditure, access to credit, access to fertilizers, etc.), income and consumption (changes in wage rates, employment duration, consumption expenditure, prices of essential commodities, status of food security etc.), migration (rates of in-migration, migrant income and employment status, return migration plans etc.), access to relief (access to in-kind, cash and workfare relief, quantities of relief received, and constraints on the access to relief.), and health (access to health facilities and rates of foregone healthcare, knowledge of COVID-19 related symptoms and protective behaviors). The survey was conducted in six states (Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh). The dataset is made available through the World Bank Microdata Catalog.
    Type: Household-level, Access: Downloadable without registration, Cost: Free

  9. LSE's EOPP Indian Project: Household-level data (20 households per sampled village). The data available are household information, sources of livelihood, political activity, quality of neighborhood infrastructures, access to facilities, and perception of public services.
    Type: Household data, Access: Downloadable without registration, Cost: Free