Macro data:
The Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI): Provides the Provincial Competitiveness Index and the subcomponents (i.e. indicators of entry costs, land access, transparency, time costs, informal charges, bias, proactivity, BSS, labor training, and law & order) for each province in Vietnam.
Micro data:
UNICEF Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) Survey: MICS is a survey with focus on the wellbeing of women and children but also includes development variables. The data include household characteristics, housing characteristics and living environment (drinking water, sanitation facilities), access to electricity and internet, assets (TV, radio, telephone, computer), reproductive and maternal health (adolescent birth, miscarriage, contraception, HIV, etc.), child health, nutrition, and development (breastfeeding, immunization, diet, literacy, etc.), household violence and exploitation, and social transfers. For Vietnam, data from MICS1 (1996), MICS2 (2000), MICS3 (2006), MICS4 (2010-11), MICS5 (2013-14), and MICS6 (2020-21) are available.
Type: Household data, Access: Application required, Cost: FreeVietnam Longitudinal Survey, 1995-1998: Household-level and individual-level survey aiming to “analyze the impact of changing household economies on demographic phenomena such as marriage, pregnancy, and family composition in Vietnam.” The baseline survey was conducted in 1995, the 2nd survey in 1996, the 3rd survey in 1997, and the 4th and final survey in 1998. Household-level data include household characteristics (number of members, age, sex, ethnicity, education level, marital status, and occupation) and household attributes (size of land and living space, house construction materials, number of rooms and amenities, ownership of appliances, vehicles, and livestock, types and amount of agricultural production). Individual-level data include individual characteristics (age, sex, ethnicity, religion, education level, occupation, job history, income, marital status, and information on children of respondents) and other variables measured (traditional courtship and wedding customs, familial marriage negotiations, marital history, pregnancy and birth history, as well as experiences with abstinence, various contraceptive methods, abortion, pregnancy, and breastfeeding).
Type: Household data, Access: Application required, Cost: FreeVietnam Life History Survey, 1991: A cross-sectional household survey. The survey consists of two parts i.e. household and individual. Household variables include region, household configuration, socioeconomic status, gender, ethnicity, appliance ownership, and house construction. Individual variables include information on parents and siblings, familial occupations, ethnicity, sex, education, job history, marital status, and children information. The dataset is hosted by ICPSR.
Type: Household data, Access: Registration required, Cost: FreeYoung Lives: A collaborative longitudinal research project focuses on childhood poverty in four developing countries: Ethiopia, Peru, India (Andhra Pradesh), and Vietnam. The project follows cohorts of children born in 2001-02 and 1994-95. The survey is conducted every three years and consists of a child questionnaire, a household questionnaire, and a community questionnaire. The topics covered include household composition, livelihood and assets, household expenditure, child health and access to basic services, education, time-use, and test the children for school outcomes. The Department of International Development at the University of Oxford is the coordinator of this project. The data are hosted by the UK Data Service.
Type: Household data, Access: Registration required (UK Data Service), Cost: FreeThe RIGA Database: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) compiles data on rural and urban income-generating activities from various organizations (e.g. national statistics offices, World Bank, RAND). There are two main types of datasets i.e. household-level income aggregate (RIGA-H) and individual wage employment dataset (RIGA-L). For Vietnam, data from 1992-93 (RIGA-H), 1997-98 (RIGA-H and RIGA-L), and 2002 (RIGA-H and RIGA-L) are available.
Type: Household data, Access: Application required, Cost: FreeWorld Bank Global Findex Database: Datasets with focus on financial access and financial service usage. In 2017, almost 150,000 people were surveyed (approximately 1,000 from each of 144 countries). Data include individual’s characteristics and financial behavior (ownership and/or usage) on credit card, debit card, borrowing account, deposit account, mobile and online financial services, and payments and remittances. For Vietnam, data from 2011, 2014, and 2017 are available.
Type: Household data, Access: Application required (2011, 2014, and 2017), Cost: FreeWorld Bank Enterprise Surveys: Enterprise Surveys launched by the World Bank offer an expansive array of economic data on 171,000 firms in 149 countries. The surveys collect information about a country's business environment, how it is experienced by individual firms, how it changes over time, and the various constraints to firm performance and growth. The full data sets are available at the firm level. For Vietnam, data from the Enterprise Survey (2009, 2015) and Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (2005) are available.
Type: Firm data, Access: Application required, Cost: FreeWorld Bank Household Registration Study 2015: The Household Registration Survey features the sample of 5,000 households selected using Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) method from 250 enumeration areas in 5 provinces. Data include name of head of household, address, gender, age of household’s head, household phone number, residence registration status of household, and place of their registration 5 years ago.
Type: Household-level, Access: Application required, Cost: FreeWorld Bank STEP Skills Measurement Survey 2012: The STEP (Skills Toward Employment and Productivity) Skills Measurement program aims to generate internationally comparable data on skills available in developing countries.
STEP Skills Measurement Employer Survey 2011: Data collected include skill-focused variables (the structure of the labor force, the skills currently being used, the skills being looked for by the employer when hiring, the propensity to provide training, the link between skills and compensation and promotion), firm characteristics (background characteristics, performance, key labor market challenges, job skill requirements), and innovation (factors related to product development and capacity building).
Type: Firm-level, Access: Application required, Cost: FreeSTEP Skills Measurement Household Survey 2012: Data collected include measures of cognitive skills, socio-emotional skills, and job-specific skills.
Type: Household-level, Access: Application required, Cost: Free
World Bank COVID-19 High Frequency Phone Survey of Households: The 5-round survey was conducted to track the impacts of COVID-19. 5 rounds of survey were conducted every 1-2 months. The survey focuses on topics such as food security, changes in employment, income loss, access to safety nets, and household coping strategies. For the data webpages, please follow these links for round 1, round 2, round 3, round 4, and round 5.
Type: Household data, Access: License required (round 1, round 2, round 3, round 4, and round 5), Cost: FreeUnited Nations University – World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)
Vietnam Access to Resources Household Survey (VARHS) (2008-16): Household-level and commune-level panel data. Household-level information includes household roster and characteristics, housing, land, disasters, land law, agriculture, common property, income and expenditures, employment, training, assets, credit, risk, etc. Commune-level information includes development programs, agriculture, income and employment, infrastructure, credit, village problems, etc.
Type: Household-level and commune-level, Access: Downloadable without registration, Cost: FreeThe Vietnam Technology and Competitiveness Survey (TCS) (2010-14): A firm-level survey focuses on innovation and technology. Information includes firm exit and the determinants, use/adoption/dissemination of technology, enterprise’s development potential, competition, CSR, etc.
Type: Firm-level, Access: Downloadable without registration, Cost: FreeViet Nam SME database (2011, 2013, 2015): The dataset tracks more than 2,500 SMEs from 18 sectors in 9 provinces since 2005. Information includes firm characteristics, household characteristics of the owner/manager, production and technology, costs, suppliers, investments, assets, liabilities and credit, employment, environment, networks, economic constraints and potential, etc.
Type: Firm-level, Access: Application required, Cost: Free
Data for The Effect of Market Competition on Bribery in Emerging Economies: An Empirical Analysis of Vietnamese Firms: A repeated-cross-sectional dataset based on the paper by Malesky (2021). The dataset provides data from the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI), a firm survey funded by the United States Agency for International Development (US-AID) and administered by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI).
Type: Firm-level, Acccess: Downloadable without registration, Cost: FreeAlive & Thrive (A&T) - Vietnam: A&T is a program with a focus to strengthen systems for maternal, infant, and young child nutrition (MIYCN). The first phase began in Vietnam, Ethiopia, and Bangladesh. The datasets comprise the baseline surveys in 2010, the process evaluation surveys in 2013, and the endline survey in 2014.
Type: Depends on the dataset, Access: Downloadable without registration, Cost: Free