Chinese Minimum Wage

  • Graphs and Facts

  • There is a difference in the minimum wage between the East and the West.

  • The minimum wage in the East is generally higher than that in the West.

  • The minimum wage has grown rapidly, with an annual average growth rate of 8.56%.

  • In 2009, the minimum wage was unchanged due to the previous year's financial crisis.

  • There are differences in minimum wage between provinces and cities.

  • These box graphs show the minimum wage variation across provinces and cities from 2002 to 2014.

  • Four special cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Shenzhen.

  • Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin are the first three cities to implement the minimum wage, while other provinces began to implement it in 2005, after the year when the minimum wage system was introduced in 2004.

  • Minimum wage in the four cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Tianjin is significantly higher than the national level.