Paper Presentations

Paper Presentation

Apr-May 2022: Self-control

Jan-Mar 2022: Poverty Trap

Back-up: Bernheim Ray Yeltekin.(2015). EMA. "Poverty and Self-Control"

Oct-Dec 2021: Transportation, Infrastructure

  • Oct 21: Communication Infrastructure and Stabilizing Food Prices: Evidence from the Telegraph Network in China

    • Presenter: Ngoc

  • Oct 28: Brancaccio et al. (2020) "Geography Transportation and Endogenous Trade Costs" Econometrica.

    • Presenter: Wataru

  • Nov 4: Internet Access and U.S. - China Innovation Competition

    • Presenter: Bomb

  • Dec 3 (lunch time): Quoc-Anh Do et al, 2017, "One Mandarin Benefits the Whole Clan: Hometown Favoritism in an Authoritarian Regime" AEJ

    • Presenter: Hanchen

  • Dec 16: Donaldson, 2018, "Railroads of the Raj: Estimating the Impact of Transportation Infrastructure" AER

    • Presenter: Dominik

  • Dec 23: Brancaccio et al. (2020) "Geography Transportation and Endogenous Trade Costs" Econometrica.

    • Presenter: Wataru

Donovan, 2020, "Eliminating Uncertainty in Market Access The Impact of New Bridges in Rural Nicaragua" Econometrica

Jun-Jul 2021: Banking Regulation

Mar-May 2021: Insurance

Jan-Feb 2021: Misallocation

Nov-Dec 2020: Microcredit

Online appendix: click here

    • Presenter: Yijun


  • (To presenters) Be well-prepared to answer questions from the participants.

  • (To all participants) Be well-prepared to discuss on the paper

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