Paper Presentations
Apr-May 2022: Self-control
Apr 21: David Laibson.(2015). AER P&P . "Why Don't Present-biased Agents Make Commitments"
Presenter: Dominik
Apr 28: Lorenzo&Rocco.(2019).AER. "Demand and Supply of Infrequent Payments as a Commitment Device: Evidence from Kenya"
Presenter: Wataru
May 26: Ambuehl et al.(2021).AER. "What Motivates Paternalism"
Presenter: Pham
Jun 2: Pavoni&Yazici.(2015). The Economic Journal. "Optimal Life-cycle Capital Taxation under Self-Control Problems"
Presenter: Yijun
June 23: Hunt et al.(2022).NBER. "Digital Addiction"
Presenter: Hanchen
June 30: Parker.(2017).NBER. "Why Don't Households Smooth Consumption: Evidence from a 25 million dollar experiment"
Presenter: Bomb
Jan-Mar 2022: Poverty Trap
Jan 20: Balboni et al.(2021).QJE. "Why Do People Stay Poor"
Presenter: Wataru
Feb 3: Arunachalam and Shenoy.(2017).JDE. "Poverty Traps, Convergence, and the Dynamics of Household Income"
Presenter: Ngoc
Feb 17: Hoyt et al.(2016).QJE. "Shocking Behavior Random Wealth in Antebellum Georgia and Human Capital across Generations"
Presenter: Bomb
Feb 24: Margitic and Ravallion.(2019).JDE. "Lifting the floor? Economic development, social protection and the developing World's poorest"
Presenter: Dominik
Mar 3: Rachid.(2017).JDE. "Endogenous Time Horizon and Behavioral Poverty Trap Theory and Evidence from Mozambique"
Presenter: Hanchen
Back-up: Bernheim Ray Yeltekin.(2015). EMA. "Poverty and Self-Control"
Oct-Dec 2021: Transportation, Infrastructure
Oct 21: Communication Infrastructure and Stabilizing Food Prices: Evidence from the Telegraph Network in China
Presenter: Ngoc
Oct 28: Brancaccio et al. (2020) "Geography Transportation and Endogenous Trade Costs" Econometrica.
Presenter: Wataru
Nov 4: Internet Access and U.S. - China Innovation Competition
Presenter: Bomb
Dec 3 (lunch time): Quoc-Anh Do et al, 2017, "One Mandarin Benefits the Whole Clan: Hometown Favoritism in an Authoritarian Regime" AEJ
Presenter: Hanchen
Dec 16: Donaldson, 2018, "Railroads of the Raj: Estimating the Impact of Transportation Infrastructure" AER
Presenter: Dominik
Dec 23: Brancaccio et al. (2020) "Geography Transportation and Endogenous Trade Costs" Econometrica.
Presenter: Wataru
Donovan, 2020, "Eliminating Uncertainty in Market Access The Impact of New Bridges in Rural Nicaragua" Econometrica
Jun-Jul 2021: Banking Regulation
Jun 3: Erten, Korinek, Ocampo. 2021 JEL Capital Controls: Theory and Evidence
Presenter: Wataru
Jun 17: Boris et al. 2019 Policy Research Working Paper Basel III Implementation and SME Financing: Evidence for Emerging Markets and Developing Economies
Presenter: Ngoc
Jun 24: Egan et al. 2017 AER Deposit Competition and Financial Fragility: Evidence from the US Banking Sector
Presenter: Hanchen
Jul 1: Matthew et al. 2021 QJE Banking Crises without Panics
Presenter: Miku
Jul 15: Yan et al. 2021 NBER Branch Expansion versus Digital Banking: The Dynamics of Growth and Inequality in a Spatial Equilibrium Model
Presenter: Bomb
Jul 22: Paula et al. 2020 QJE Capital Accumulation and Structural Transformation
Presenter: Ngoc
Mar-May 2021: Insurance
Mar 5: Auriol et al. 2020 QJE God Insures those Who Pay_ Formal Insurance and Religious Offerings in Ghana
Presenter: Bomb
Mar 11: Cai et al. 2020 AER Subsidy policies and Insurance Demand
Presenter: Ngoc
Mar 18: Morten 2019 JPE Migration and Endogenous Risk Sharing in Village India
Presenter: Yijun
Apr 15: Clarke 2016 AEJ A Theory of Rational Demand for Index Insurance
Presenter: Wataru
Apr 22: Panhans 2017 AEA Adverse Selection in ACA Exchange Markets Evidence from Colorado
Presenter: Hanchen
May 20: Ericson et al. 2020 EJ Inferring Risk Perceptions and Preferences using Choice from Insurance Menus- Theory and Evidence
Presenter: Miku
May 27: Casaburi et al. 2018 AER Time versus State in Insurance- Experimental Evidence from Contract Farming in Kenya
Presenter: Bomb
Jan-Feb 2021: Misallocation
Jan 7: Hsieh, Chang-Tai and Peter J. Klenow (2009): “Misallocation and Manufacturing TFP in China and India”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 124(4), pp. 1403-1448.
Presenter: Bomb
Jan 21: Chari et al (2020), REStud, Property Rights, Land Misallocation and Agricultural Efficiency in China
Presenter: Ngoc
Jan 28: Bils, M., Klenow, P.J., and Ruane, C. (2020). "Misallocation or Mismeasurement?” NBER Working Paper.
Presenter: Wataru
Feb 4: Gollin & Udry (2019), NBER, Heterogeneity, measurement error and misallocation- Evidence from african agriculture
Presenter: Hanchen
Feb 18: Munshi & Rosenzweig (2016), AER, Networks and Misallocation- Insurance, Migration, and the Rural-Urban Wage Gap
Presenter: Yijun
Feb 19: Boehm & Oberfield (2020), QJE, Misallocation in the Market for Inputs- Enforcement and the Organization of Production
Presenter: Miku
Nov-Dec 2020: Microcredit
Nov 5: Kaboski, Joseph P., and Robert M. Townsend. 2012. "The Impact of Credit on Village Economies." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 4 (2): 98-133.
Presenter: Attavit (Bomb)
Nov 19: Field, Erica, Rohini Pande, John Papp, and Natalia Rigol. 2013. "Does the Classic Microfinance Model Discourage Entrepreneurship among the Poor? Experimental Evidence from India." American Economic Review, 103 (6): 2196-2226.
Presenter: Ngoc
Nov 26: Ahlin. 2020. " Group lending, matching patterns, and the mystery of microcredit: Evidence from Thailand." Quantitative Economics 11: 713–759.
Presenter: Yijun
Dec 3: Karlan, Dean and Jonathan Zinman. 2019. "Long-Run Price Elasticities of Demand for Credit: Evidence from a Countrywide Field Experiment in Mexico." Review of Economic Studies 86: 1704–1746.
Presenter: Wataru
Dec 17: Banerjee, Breza, Duflo and Kinnan (2019) "Can Microfinance Unlock a Poverty Trap for Some Entrepreneurs?" NBER Working Paper.
Presenter: Hanchen
Dec 24: Greaney, Kaboski and Leemput. 2016. "Can Self-Help Groups Really Be 'Self-Help'?" Review of Economic Studies, 83: 1614–1644.
Online appendix: click here
Presenter: Yijun
(To presenters) Be well-prepared to answer questions from the participants.
(To all participants) Be well-prepared to discuss on the paper
List papers that you are interested in, irrespective of their topics. It will help finding great papers.
Wagner (2020) "Adaptation and Adverse Selection in Markets for Natural Disaster Insurance"
Macchiavello and Miquel-Florensa (2019) "Buyer-Driven Upgrading in GVCs: The Sustainable Quality Program in Colombia"