Macro data:
CamStat: The National Indicator Reporting Platform by the National Institute of Statistics which provides aggregate data. The main indicator categories are education, agriculture, health and nutrition, demography, economy, environment, governance, SDG indicators, employment, gender, infrastructure, and tourism.
Micro data:
National Institute of Statistics Data Catalog: The microdata catalog of the National Institute of Statistics (NIS) of Ministry of Planning in Cambodia. Most datasets are for licensed use, including Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey, Cambodia Labor Force Survey, Cambodia Demographic Health Survey, etc. Public use data files include the Cambodia Inter-Censal Agriculture Survey 2019 and Cambodia Women’s health and life experiences 2015, Violence Against Women 2015.
Type: Household data, Access: Public-use, Licensed, On-site access, Cost: UnknownWorld Bank Global Findex Database: Datasets with focus on financial access and financial service usage. In 2017, almost 150,000 people were surveyed (approximately 1,000 from each of 144 countries). Data include individual’s characteristics and financial behavior (ownership and/or usage) on credit card, debit card, borrowing account, deposit account, mobile and online financial services, and payments and remittances. For Cambodia, data from 2011, 2014, and 2017 are available.
Type: Household data, Access: Application required (2011, 2014, and 2017), Cost: FreeWorld Bank COVID-19 High Frequency Phone Survey of Households: The 5-round survey was conducted to track the impacts of COVID-19. 5 rounds of survey were conducted every 1-2 months. The survey focuses on topics such as food security, changes in employment, income loss, access to safety nets, and household coping strategies. Two samples are available i.e. LSMS+ and IDPoor.
Type: Household data, Access: Downloadable without registration (IDPoor) and Application required (LSMS+), Cost: FreeWorld Bank Enterprise Surveys: Enterprise Surveys launched by the World Bank offer an expansive array of economic data on 171,000 firms in 149 countries. The surveys collect information about a country's business environment, how it is experienced by individual firms, how it changes over time, and the various constraints to firm performance and growth. The full data sets are available at the firm level. For Cambodia, data from the Enterprise Survey (2007, 2012, 2016) and Informal Survey (2012) are available.
Type: Firm data, Access: Application required, Cost: FreeWorld Bank Living Standards Measurement Study - Plus 2019-2020: The survey was conducted by the National Institute of Statistics with support from the World Bank. The topics covered are household roster, children living elsewhere, housing, food consumption, non-food consumption, household enterprises, education, health, internal and international migration, labor, time use, land ownership and rights, livestock ownership, durables ownership, mobile phone ownership, and financial accounts.
Type: Household-level, Access: Application required, Cost: Free