1. Malaysian Family Life Surveys (MFLS): The surveys conducted by RAND in cooperation with other organizations to “investigate the influence of certain economic and institutional factors on couples' fertility behavior in Peninsular Malaysia.” As a result, the data contain overlapping samples of households with an ever-married woman. Two waves were conducted (1976-1977 (MFLS-1) and 1988-1989 (MFLS-2)). Information surveyed includes household roster, education, marriage, births, houses, employment, time budget, income and wealth, attitudes and expectations, networks of support, and migration, etc.
    Type: Household data, Access: Downloadable without registration, Cost: Free

  2. World Bank Global Findex Database: Datasets with focus on financial access and financial service usage. In 2017, almost 150,000 people were surveyed (approximately 1,000 from each of 144 countries). Data include individual’s characteristics and financial behavior (ownership and/or usage) on credit card, debit card, borrowing account, deposit account, mobile and online financial services, and payments and remittances. For Malaysia, data from 2011, 2014, and 2017 are available.
    Type: Household data, Access: Application required (
    2011, 2014, and 2017), Cost: Free

  3. World Bank Enterprise Surveys: Enterprise Surveys launched by the World Bank offer an expansive array of economic data on 171,000 firms in 149 countries. The surveys collect information about a country's business environment, how it is experienced by individual firms, how it changes over time, and the various constraints to firm performance and growth. The full data sets are available at the firm level. For Malaysia, data from the Enterprise Survey (2015), Employee Survey (2007), and Productivity of the Investment Climate Private Enterprise Survey (2007) are available.
    Type: Firm data, Access:
    Application required, Cost: Free