Zilaiskalns Village

Zilaiskalns Village

Area: 29,4 m2

Population: 741 (Data of Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs as of 01.07.2017.)

Zilaiskalns as an ancient cult place is located in the former Mujāni Parish. Zilakalns Village has been established in the end of 1950s, when a large research of Zilakalna bog’s peat deposits has started. During this time, the first barracks for the employees of the peat factory "Zilaiskalns", as well as school and hospital was built. Residential houses were mostly built from 1960 to 1980.

The most famous Latvian clairvoyant and healer Zilakalna Marta, the real name Marta Racene, has lived the most part of her life in "Zažēni", located 3 km from Zilakalns Dikļi. The river Briede is included in the North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve landscape protection zone and flows into Lake Burtnieki. A very rare and protected animal - a turf turtle - lives in the surrounding bog. The woodshop of “Silviko” Ltd. is currently located in the production plant of the peat molasses of the former inter-farmer enterprise "Rūjiena". Peat extraction and processing enterprise “Klasmann-Deilmann Latvia” Ltd. is also operating.

The branch of Dikļi Parish pre-school educational institution "Cielaviņa", cultural center in which regular events take place, feldsher’s station, private pharmacy, library, and post office are located in the parish.

The Dog Walk and Agility Training Area, which is one of the few places of this type in Latvia, was opened in Zilaiskalns Village in the summer 2014. The walking area has been developed within the Informal Citizens' Initiative Groups project announced by Kocēni Region Council, where the informal citizen’ group "For me and my friend, but not only" implemented the project "My playful friend".