Recreation places

Recreation place"Sietiņiezis"

Recreation place is located in the area of nature object Sietiņiezis. Chairs, tables, fireplaces, toilet and shed for sleeping are available in the site. Tent places in recreation area “Sietiņiezis” are free of charge.

Nearby: Vaidava Village - 8 km away.


Kocēni Municipality, Vaidava Parish

GPS: 57.4285290,25.3864891

Recreation place "Zilaiskalns"

Recreation place is located near natural area Zilaiskalns. Place offers chairs, fireplaces and toilet.

Nearby: Zilaiskalns Village - 1km away


Kocēni Municipality, Zilaisklans Parish

GPS: 57.5534575,25.2162566

Recreation place "Vaidavas ezera pludmale"

Recreation place is located in area of lake Vaidava. Place offers chairs, fireplaces, toilet, swimming area, boat rental, cafe and disc golf.

Nearby: Vaidava Village - 300m away


Kocēni Municipality, Vaidava Parish

GPS: 57.4333729,25.2843345

Recreation place "Mujānu viduslaiku pilsdrupas un Baltais tornis"

Recreation place is located near historical object of Mujāni medieval ruins and “White tower” chairs and fireplaces are available in the site.

Nearby: Kocēni Village - 4km away


Mujāni, Kocēnu Parish

GPS: 57.5233002,25.2785317

Recreation place "Grebu pilskalns"

Recreation place is located near historical object of Grebu hillfort. Chairs and fireplaces are available in this area.

Nearby: Dikļi Village - 4km away


Dikļi Parish

GPS: 57.620093, 24.993057