Cēsis - Valmiera (~45 km)

Route characterization: The route is located along the Gauja valley and it connects two historical centers - Cēsis and Valmiera. Stage between Rāmnieki and Valmiera mostly leads over remote wood roads and trails, which are great Gauja National Park wildlife watching places, but at the same time cyclist has to be experienced and endurable.

Route: Cēsis: Cēsis railway station – Raunas street – Lenču street – Ērgļu Cliffs (Pieškalni) – Rāmnieki – Sandstone outcrop Sietiņiezis – Valmiera: Jumaras street – Leona Paegles street – Plostnieku street – Cēsu street – Stacijas street.

Level of difficulty: Medium. Separate stages (banks of the valley, its creek ravines) can be too difficult to cross for beginners.

Along Narrow Gauge Railway route: Valmiera - Zilaiskalns (~40 km)

Route characterization: The route is suitable for cyclists who are interested in historical railways, monuments related with them, surrounding landscape and individual natural objects.

Route: Valmiera railway station – Iron bridge – Jāņparks – Beites – bridge over Anuļa River – Kocēni – Tilgaļi – Mujāni – Zilaiskalns station – Zilaiskalns – Valmiermuiža – Valmiera railway station.

Level of difficulty: medium – hard.