
I am from hardwood floors and getting too many splinters to count,

And fruit and vegetables sitting on the windowsill.

I am from the yellow house with peeling paint,

Smelling of laundry just out of the washing machine.

I am from the jade plant on the back porch that's bigger than my sister,

And chestnut trees that cling to the hill in the backyard,

providing the only comfort from the sweltering heat.

I am from Fourth of July at Grandmother's house,

From woof cookies and cracker bunnies.

I’m from home-cooked food, shepherd's pie,

and 12-vegetable soup from Mae Mae and Gordon.

I am from petty attitudes and holding a grudge,

From Coldplay and The Red Hot Chili Peppers,

From “Stop hitting your sister!” and “Go play outside!”

I am from family Thanksgivings at Grandma’s,

From Boston and from Cork.

I am from Mae Mae sledding on a glacier at supersonic speed,

before Dad was able to catch her, preventing her from sliding off a cliff.

I am from photos of Ruth and Juliana, framed in gold;

The pictures just starting to show their age.

But getting new ones is, of course,

out of the question.

I am from Massachusetts.

I am from Boston.