Self-directed Learning

Self-directed Learning 2/3

  • Level: 2 and 3

  • Language of Instruction: Japanese

  • Quota: max. 15 students

  • Class: once a week (90 mins x 15 weeks)

  • Equivalent to 2 KUIS credits

  • Instructor: Young Yi

The aim of this course is to cultivate students’ Japanese proficiency as well as their ability to self-direct their language learning. Students will choose the skills and knowledge they wish to focus on improving, and facilitate their own learning process. The instructor will assist students in understanding various language learning strategies, introduce or recommend learning materials, and provide individual advice throughout the course so that students can discover the most suitable way(s) to learn for themselves.

*Although grammar course and vocab&kanji course are not available this semester, students can study them autonomously in this course. In addition, students can study Japanese related to their favorites such as manga, music, food and fashion.

Class schedule

  • 1st: Orientation, Set goals for this semester

  • 2nd: (1) Set goals for cycle I (2) Discuss goals in class (3) Introduction of learning resources

  • 3rd to 6th: (1)Study about today's topic (2) Write a study diary after studying (3) Review what you learned today.

  • 7th: Review cycle I

  • 8th: (1) Set goals for cycle II (2) Discuss goals in class (3) Introduction of learning resources

  • 9th to 13th: (1) Study about today's topic (2) Write a study diary after studying (3) Review what you learned today.

  • 14th: Review cycle II

  • 15th: Review this semester

Teaching materials / reference materials

Teaching materials will be distributed and introduced in the class.

Evaluation criteria

Evaluation is based on class participation (including attendance) and assignments (learning diary and reflection).

Precautions for taking this course

Deadline for submission of assignments: Make sure to meet the deadline for submission. Evaluation will be deducted if submission of assignments is delayed.

Doing homework or preparing for tests of other courses in this class is not allowed.

Self-directed Learning 4/5/6

  • Level: 4, 5 and 6

  • Language of Instruction: Japanese

  • Quota: max. 15 students

  • Class: once a week (90 mins x 15 weeks)

  • Equivalent to 2 KUIS credits

  • Instructor: Kumiko Kobayashi

The aim of this course is to cultivate students’ Japanese proficiency as well as their ability to self-direct their language learning. Students will choose the skills and knowledge they wish to focus on improving, and facilitate their own learning process. The instructor will assist students in understanding various language learning strategies, introduce or recommend learning materials, and provide individual advice throughout the course so that students can discover the most suitable way(s) to learn for themselves.

*Although grammar course and vocab&kanji course are not available in this semester, students can study them autonomously in this course. In addition, students can study Japanese related to their favorites such as manga, music, food and fashion.

Example 1) Student A

Cycle 1 ... Read Haruki Murakami's book and write your impressions

Cycle 2 ... Do the same thing as Cycle 1

Example 2) Student B

Cycle 1 ... Study Kanji for Japanese Language Proficiency Test N2

Cycle 2 ... Read the manga "One Piece", list the words you don't understand, and learn the meaning

Example 3) Student C

Cycle 1 ... Search and summarize Japanese Kabuki on the Internet

Cycle 2 ... Study the grammar of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1


Teaching materials / reference materials

Teaching materials will be distributed and introduced in the class.

Evaluation criteria

Based on the attendance and assignments

Precautions for taking this course

  • Assignment Deadline: Meet the deadline. Points will be deducted.

  • Attend every class and report what you have learned.

  • Do not do other assignments during this class.

  • Do not do other things during this class.

  • During the cycle I and II, you will study what you have planned.