Journalistic Japanese

Journalistic Japanese 6/7

  • Level: 6 and 7

  • Language of Instruction: Japanese

  • Quota: max. 10 students

  • Class: once a week (90 mins x 15 weeks)

  • Equivalent to 2 KUIS credits

  • Instructor: Akane Tokunaga

This course aims to, through reading news articles and watching news programs, enhance students' ability to understand current topics of the Japanese society and the background to them, and to search for the news stories and relevant information.

At the beginning of the course, we will summarize recent news and discuss the differences in current topics in Japan and other countries.

During the mid-term of the course, students will find a piece of news and gather relevant information, then try to read and understand it.

In the latter part of the course, students will pick up more than one news item, find relevant information, understand it from their own perspective and write an essay as the final assignment.

Every week, students have to watch news stories (2-3 minutes) and read the scripts (pre-study assignment), and write their opinions on the news items picked up in the class in a reflection sheet.

Teaching materials / reference materials

Teaching materials will be distributed and introduced in the class.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Class participation: 20%

  • Pre-study assignment: 20%

  • Reflection sheet assignment: 30%

  • Final assignments: 30%