
Pronunciation 2/3

  • Level: 2 and 3

  • Language of Instruction: Japanese

  • Quota: max. 10 students

  • Class: once a week (90 mins x 15 weeks)

  • Equivalent to 2 KUIS credits

  • Instructor: Kyoko Kawana

In this course, students will learn about the pronunciation of Japanese such as its phones, rhythms, accents and intonations. In the class, students will practice their pronunciation and do activities with their classmates, and get feedback from their instructor and classmates after pronunciation exercises and activities. Students will also correct their pronunciation that they are not good at through appropriate tools and methods.


  • 1st: Orientation

  • 2nd to 7th: Japanese sounds, beats, rhythms, etc.

  • 8th to 12th: Accent, intonation, prominence, shadowing, dubbing, etc.

  • 13th and 15th: Presentation and the final assignment

* Schedule is subject to change.

Textbooks / reference books

Prints will be distributed in class.

OJAD (Online Japanese Accent Dictionary)


(1) Class participation

(2) Assignment

(3) Final assignment

Pronunciation 4/5/6

  • Level: 4, 5 and 6

  • Language of Instruction: Japanese

  • Quota: max. 10 students

  • Class: once a week (90 mins x 15 weeks)

  • Equivalent to 2 KUIS credits

  • Instructor: Kazue Inaba

In this course, students will learn about various elements of Japanese pronunciation such as its phones, rhythms, accents and intonations. Students will be aware of what can be improved through not only individual practice but also working in pairs or groups.

In class, each student will record their own pronunciation, check it with teachers and classmates, and incorporate activities to think about challenges and points for improvement. The first goal of this lesson is to understand the characteristics of your pronunciation with the feedback of teachers and classmates. The second goal is to think about effective pronunciation learning methods that match your characteristics so that you can continue to focus on your pronunciation outside the classroom. In order to find an effective learning method, we will deal with "basic knowledge of pronunciation and voice (knowledge)", "practice to hear and understand sounds (understanding)", and "practice to make sounds (production)". All explanations will be given in Japanese.

The following are some of the specific contents that will be covered in class. The topics handled in the class will be flexibly adjusted to the needs of the students enrolled in the course.

  • (1) Japanese sounds (Japanese syllabary, foreign language sounds (example: sounds written in katakana), etc.)

  • (2) Japanese rhythm and beat sensation (example: foot)

  • (3) Pronunciation of spoken words (reduced form (example: personal computer), devoiced (example: "su" of "Yamada desu")) Spoken language role play (pair / group work)

  • (4) Noun accents (head-high type, middle-high type, tail-high type, flat plate type, accent core)

  • (5) Adjective and verb accent (accent of conjugation ending)

  • (6) Intonation (Intonation and expression intention (example: ascending / descending / flat)

Teaching materials / reference materials

Teaching materials will be distributed and introduced in class.

Prepare your own smartphone or IC recorder to record the pronunciation of the assignment and submit it to Moodle.

Evaluation criteria

  1. Class participation: 20%

  2. Assignments (including recording submissions): 60%

  3. Presentation (role play): 20%