Asher Beach

Staff Writer

Hello, hi, I am here.

Well, let's start simple. My name is Asher Beach. Yep, spelled like the actual beach. Many jokes to be had with that. Anyways I wasn't really planning to be in this class, I don't think I even picked it. But due to the local elective shortage I'm just sorta here. Yep. That's me. Also I'll just do some basic reporting, nothing out of this world. I also draw and play games so there's uh... there's that. Well I'm done now.

The Art of Gaming

I enjoy playing games. I know, what a shocker right? Pictured above is a stock photo of a Windows XP to illustrate my point... which also happens to be the computer I grew up with and was stuck with for the first 8 years of my life.

The Art of Art... ing?

I also enjoy the art because its fun to watch your ideas take an actual form. Pictured above is the finest art piece mankind will ever know, the lobster phone. YOU WILL NEVER convince me otherwise.

Blog Number #1... Wisdom teeth gone. Most people, sooner or later, will have their wisdom teeth removed. Now whether or not it will be in a comically exaggerated way is up in the air! But for me? I got them removed 2 Fridays ago. So not like... last Friday, like the Friday BEFORE last Friday. My face is still a little swollen. But uh... no where NEAR as bad as it was. The procedure itself wasn't the bad part, that was fine because I was knocked out for the entirety of it. HOWEVER, the aftermath was horrid. My cheeks (as pictured to the left) were so swollen I literally couldn't eat. My brain REFUSED to open my mouth any wider then it needs to be to breath and drink. While I'm glad they're gone and won't be an issue ever again that sucked. At least I could play Deltarune Chapter 2 while I was recovering... well sorta I passed out a lot on the day I got them removed.

End of September
Wow! Already... this year seems to be going by faster then most. Besides that I'm glad September is over... feels kinda long. But luckily its October now. The month of various things such as colored leafs and SPOOKS!


So... Halloween is coming up soon. That's cool. I think this time of year is especially... interesting for all of us. Not only do some of us think we're getting too old for it, but a virus is present that actively encourages us to just stay home. So I don't expect a bunch of people to be trick-or-treating, so it'll be an extra spooky night for those who do since the streets will be more empty. I don't really know whether or not I myself will be trick-or-treating, but chances are I won't be. It ain't the most fun thing to do alone!

Christmas break

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH boy it's that time of year again, the time of giving gifts and expecting one in return, ahhhh, how fun! One of the best parts of this time of year? No school! Words can't say how excited I am to go on break, school's been stressing me out, it'll be nice to relax for a couple weeks. Sleep in, chat with friends, maybe make a super big snowball just cause I feel like it. Truly a wonderous time.

Back to school!

Yikes, dunno about you guys but I am not real happy to be back. The excitement of the holidays has worn off and what you're left with is an entire year filled with all the fun of the modern world, a world with a virus that has the world shutdown. Man, I hope this virus ceases to exist by summer break because I can't take another year of this crap. On the bright side, it's a new year so more things to do, my drivers license is something I'll be getting in a couple months so there's that.

Driving... is fun, and stressful.

Been driving a lot more recently and BOY I didn't expect it to be so... stressful. You gotta stay on alert at all times, pay attention to anything and everything, regulate your speed to suit the speed limit... it's just a mess, man. On the bright side, its fun to do it all well.

Warmer weather incoming

The sun has been rising ealier and ealier, which granted, is how winter works, but it's exciting nonetheless. I can't wait for spring, especially because I enjoy the rain much more then the snow, especially that rain smell. Gotta love it.