20th District


Darrell Dacres

 I grew up in West Rogers Park graduated Daniel Boone elemetary and later went to Mather High school. Often on my way to school I was pulled over by police roughed up acused of all kinds of gang activity although I at that time was not in a gang or gang affiliated. I learned of Violence Prevention in 2012 when my friend was killed in front of our old hang out where I was shot at later that day I started volunteering with cease fire. Hoping I could help youth not go down the same path I did allowing where I live, poverty level or even race determine if I'm in a gang or a bad person. I saw people who I looked up to on a street level change for the better and I wanted the same. I started working for a Violence Prevention org called Cure Violence as a Victim Advocate where I was taught about the principals of non violence and learned professional street Outreach. I graduated C5 cohort from Kennedy King College in 2019 where I learned even more pillars of non violence and Restorative Justice later became a Outreach Worker for CP4P (Communities Partnering for Peace) moved up to Supervisor and currently the Program Manager for the entire Uptown and Rogers Park. 

Anna Rubin

My name is Anna Rubin, and I am running for 20th District Council alongside Deirdre O’Connor and Darrell Dacres. As an organizer at the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs, I watched the incredible work that JCUA and our coalition partners in GAPA, CPAC, and ECPS did to get the ECPS ordinance passed. Now I want to be one of the 66 people filling these new positions who is committed to hearing what our communities actually need when it comes to cultivating safety in our city, and providing community-sourced insight, input, and perspective to the district council and the commission, particularly from those who know that interacting with police is not a safe option for them. In my conversations so far with residents in my district, most people who I have spoken with want to know how they can address situations where they feel unsafe without relying on the police. I hope I am able to both share existing resources with the community and present proposals for additional alternatives based on community needs and ideas. I want to be meeting regularly with residents in the district, hearing what their concerns and issues are with safety and policing, and transmitting those to the commission, the police district, and city council. I hope that at the end of our first term, the district council position will be seen as a trusted, respected, active, present, and empathetic office in the 20th district. 

Deirdre O'Conner

I was born and raised in the 40th Ward, 20th Police District to Irish immigrant parents. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from St. Xavier University. For the past 15 years I have been involved in my community and helped canvas for several local elections.

I am deeply rooted and committed to making my community more engaged and inclusive. As someone who grew up in Chicago, I have seen firsthand the strain between communities and police. I believe we are in a unique position to help reshape our idea of policing from the community for the community. 

Website, Instagram account

Endorsements: One People's Campaign, Ald. Andre Vasquez, JCUA Votes