Week of December 12th


  • We have completed our Winter session of MAPS. We are so proud of all our students and their hard work! Look for the parent report to come home the week of December 16th.

  • It's certainly a fun and busy time of year! We are feeling festive at WJES and having fun with our 12 Days of Christmas. Take a look below to see some fun dress-up opportunities for students and staff for this coming week.

  • Each of our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade homerooms held a Spelling Bee in their classrooms over the past few weeks. One winner from each class will compete in our School-Wide Spelling Bee on Wednesday, December 14th!

  • We have so many items in our lost and found! Please take a minute to look at the images at the bottom of this newsletter to see if you recognize any of the items that need to find their home.

Dec.12-16: Holiday Shop
Dec. 14: School-wide Spelling Bee
Dec. 21-Jan. 2: Winter Break
Jan. 3: Student Holiday/Teacher Workday

Check out the Breakfast & Lunch Menus HERE.

Upcoming Staff Birthdays:
Dec. 12th: Deborah Hayes
Dec. 13th: Carla Mitchell
Dec. 19th: Karen Mangino & Laurie Carolus
Dec. 22nd: Ebony Murphy
Dec: 23rd: Emily Davis
Dec. 28th: Becky Nemecek
Dec. 30th: Jenny Burel
Dec. 31st: Shannon Halstead & Marybeth Pope

spotlight: Our Fabulous WJES PTO

We are so grateful to our amazing WJES PTO! Last Thursday, PTO provied a delicious lunch for the entire WJES faculty and staff!


Click HERE for the 100% Accountable Parent Newsletter

The 100% Accountable mindset teaches the importance of being responsible for our own happiness and success. Being 100% Accountable means deciding not to be victims of the past and recognizing that the future is not predetermined, so our lives are what we choose in the present moment and each one moving forward. In these lessons, we help students focus on recognizing our fears and excuses. This mindset is about the importance of breaking down barriers and taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions. It also allows us to free our minds and focus our energy on taking the critical steps towards our goals.

WJES students can shop for family and friends at the Holiday Shop!

Items available will cost between $2.00 and $6.00.

Parents- It's helpful to include a list of who your child needs to buy for when you send in money for your child. Cash, check, and debit/credit accepted.

Your child's teacher will let you know what day their class will visit the Holiday Shop!


Our lost and found items continue to GROW!

All items will be outside on our front porch each weekend.

You are welcome to stop by and see if you can find any of your child's lost items. Any items left in our lost and found will be donated on December 21st. Look through these images to see some items currently in our lost and found.