This is the Iscte site of the RESETTING project. RESETTING  is the acronym for "Relaunching European Smart and sustainablE Tourism models Through digitalization and INnovative technoloGies"This project was endowed with European funds from the COSME Program, to help promote the competitiveness of European SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises). It aims at facilitating a transition towards more resilient, circular, and sustainable operating models of European tourism companies through the testing and integration of innovative digitally-driven solutions that reduce unnecessary burdens, improve the quality of the tourism experience, contribute to the decarbonization of the tourism sector and more inclusive economic growth – not only for SMEs but also for the residents of the destinations. You can get additional information on the RESETTING partners and ongoing activities by clicking on the icons below.


Iscte RESETTING team members:

Fernando Brito e Abreu
(Iscte Project Coordinator)

Pedro Sebastião
(WP3/Task 3.5 Manager)

Sandra Loureiro
(WP2 Coordinator)

Carlos Coutinho
(WP3/Task 3.6 Manager)

Rui Neto Marinheiro
(WP3/Task 3.3 Manager)

Adriano Lopes
(Senior Researcher)

Miguel Sales Dias
(WP3/Task 3.4 Manager)

Daniela Langaro
(Senior Researcher)

Joana  Gouveia Alves
(Science Manager)

António Galvão
(PhD Fellow)

Carlos Portugal
(MSc Fellow)

Rodrigo Simões
(MSc Fellow)

Tiago Vieira
(MSc Fellow)

Diogo Cosme
(MSc Fellow)

David Vaz
(MSc Fellow)

Pedro Palma
(MSc Fellow)

André Garcia
(MSc Fellow)

Nuno Dias
(MSc Fellow)


Contact Fernando Brito e Abreu for more information on the ongoing work in RESETTING @ Iscte. For additional info on the RESETTING project globally, follow the QR Code link.

With the support of INCD computing infrastructure: