Dramatised reading


Memorandum adreçat als membres del Teatre Íntim encapsulates Strindberg’s poetic on the actor’s art in a span that ranges from the pragmatic to the aesthetic, the philosophical and the sacred that we find close to us, comfortable, contemporary.

This reading explores some excerpts of this text with Fem år med Strindberg [Five Years with Strindberg] by August Falck, the young actor and partner of Strindberg in the project of the Intima Teater, bringing out the latent struggle between the old Strindberg and the young team of Falck: two generations in conflict not over aesthetic differences but in dispute over who holds a place in the world of culture and theatre. Like now.

August Strindberg, August Falck and Teresa Vilardell

Director: Teresa Vilardell

Acknowledgement: Carolina Moreno and Miquel Casamayor


Marta Millà — Strindberg

Jordi Font — August Falck

Alícia Buil — August Falck

Ricard Boyle — Young actor

*Edited by Carolina Moreno and Teresa Vilardell, it brings together in Catalan both plays (Lucky Peter’s Journey, The Stronger, The Dance of Death and The Ghost Sonata) and several of his “Comments on Drama and Theatre”.