Geography and History

Albaida BRIT

Espacio virtual para la difusión de actividades de la materia GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY dentro del programa BRIT ARAGÓN del IES MEDINA ALBAIDA

CURSO 23-24

Ancient Rome

And this is how we finished school year, creating an stunning poster about some relevanta aspects related to Ancient Rome life; roman vilas, cities, roman camps...

Students discovered why roman people was so important in the past... and in the present.

My history book project

Discovering Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia

Students have created this amazing ebook with the help of book creator about Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia History. They have enjoy a lot disvoering traditions, politics or economics and creating this amazing ebooks  as real as you can see. 

Coming soon...more students ebooks!

Circular economy

Students from 1ºESO BRIT Geography and History, discovered how important is to reduce consumption and promote circular economy thank to the University of Zaragoza. They enjoyed a lot participating in this amazing vitual Scape Room.


We have enjoyed a lot! Interesting exhibition about Mummies in Ancient Egypt thanks to British Museum. 

We have received info about how people was buried in Ancient Egypt and how important was dead at that moment.


Discovering Natural landscapes

Wow! 1ºESO BRIT students worked on natural landscapes & climate by creating a factsheet.  They discovered the main traits of natural landscapes by analyzing climate conditions and biomes. Students realized that natural lansdcapes are threatened by human action impact. 

You can enjoy final results here and also at the BRIT board!

Celebrating EWWR

Water & 3R's

This how we have celebrated The European Week of Waste Reduction 2023!. Students of 1ºESO  created this stunning imaginary river from recycled pieces of foamy! 

They discover how the course of a river works by creating their own river; the upper, middle and lower course were represented in poster created in a collaborative way. 

Enjoy it on the BRIT board!


SDG's and ICT tools

Maps are a poweful tool; they can help people to make decisions, analyse problem and discover new spaces.

Students have developped their own map APP about Sustainable development goals. They choose and Goal related to enviroment with the objetive of developing a mapping app to make possible to get this goal.
Enjoy about the amazing results!

Fantasy maps remake

A Classic!

Students 23-24 have enjoyed a lot creating an imaginary map!! A classic activity, always a real success where pupils enjoy figuring out an imaginary country.

So, once more time here the amazing results of this incredible imaginary maps!!


Welcoming 23-24!

Students have enjoyed artist! We have played to PICTOGEO! a mix between pictionary and Geography & History.  They created incredible portraits based on Geography and History vocabulary. Finally, we celebrate a little contest to choose the best one and discover the meaning of portraits!.