

Espacio virtual para la difusión de actividades del programa  etwinning dentro de la iniciativa Erasmus+

Proyectos eTwinning 2ºESO

Desde 2020, y a través del programa BRIT, los alumnos involucrados en este nivel, también participan de la iniciativa eTwinning

SchoolHaus (22-24)

Photobook portfolio!

This is how we worked all long the project!

Give your say!

Here the results, our students have created this amazing collaborative questionnaires. Check it the results here!


Discover our stunning project website!

The influence of colors&spaces

Thinking about!

Students created these amazing posters related with the influence of color and spaces in architecture.

Previosly, they brainstormed a little bit imagining their future class! Students enjoyed a lot discovering how colors, forms and spaces can influence the way that they learn.


Introducing the project

We have retaked SchoolHaus project....on the move! Students created this amazing forms getting inspiration on New Bahuaus movement. 

Also, we have shared our joy with school community via twinboard and digital screen. 

Comming soon...more details!


What a pleasure!

This is how we welcomed SchoolHaus project; introducing basic information about it, asking for parental permission and..developing an introductory activity for breaking the ice! 

Students got inspiration on New Bauhaus movement and created this stunning shapes where amazing whises flourished! 

Finally we shared results with school community at the main hall, on the Etwinning board. This will allowed us to introduce the project.