1ºESO eTwinning 


Albaida BRIT

Espacio virtual para la difusión de actividades del programa  etwinning dentro de la iniciativa Erasmus+

Climate action_13



This is how we introduced Climate action_13 at school! The project focus on climate change and positives vibes to involve school community in! We commented basic info about the project, we solved questions and ask for parental permission and...we carried out a cool activity to involve school  in the project! Basic tips for an ecofriendly dailylife! Finally, we shared results with school members with showing the results on the Etwinning board at the hall. This activity will allow us to celebrate EWWR 22! We registed this activity on the official web site of EWWR.


Encantados de recibirlo!

Lo tenemos!! Sello de calidad nacional y con alta puntuación! También hemos tenido el honor de recibir el Sello de calidad Europeo, no solo nosotros sino TODOS los miembros del proyecto. Como fundadores principales, es todo un honor y una alegría saber que otras escuelas también lo ha recibido. Muchísimas gracias a todos! Ha sido un viaje increíble.

Proceso de trabajo

Buscando la colaboración

Aquí unos detalles de cómo hemos trabajado en LandscapeGate!

Un Ulivo per dire "Ti amo alla Terra

Comune di Loreto

Thank you so much!! Comune di Loreto Magazine (N 02 -2022) helped us to spread the LandscapeGate message with the help of an article writed by Ms. Paola Traferro. On June 2022 IC "Solari" students planted a tree on the most emblematic Loreto's village place with the objective of celebrating Earth day 22. 

 The IES MEDINA ALBAIDA school via Miriam Salinas had the opportunity to participate via online with the support of google Meets.

We really appreciate it!

the portfolio

The landscapeGate portfolio

Look and admire! An incredible work created in a collaborative way by LandscapeGate partners. Open it and enjoy by travelling around the most relevant world landscapes. Because landscapes bring us to live, let's preserve it!.


join the climate revolution

It's high time for action

We enjoyed this activity about the Earth day 22 logo: invest in our planet. A quiz allow us to understand why Earth day was created at the United States and why we need to celebrate every day!

origami seed envelopes

Involving school comunity

Wow! We created amazing origami envelopes with recycled paper that contains little seeds. This will allow us to share our celebration with school community via teachers. Students themselves, delivered the envelopes to the teachers.

Thanks for partipating!



Creating a story!

Wow! This is how we have worked at LandscapeGate; in a collaborative way! We have created an amazing story about how is to work in a National Park reserve. Students have developed storytelling skills and role-play strategies. Enjoy it!


what about?

Some interesting questions to break the ice and think about The Desert

The tuaregs

Working on living conditions, we discovered that Tuaregs where nomads and trade merchants!


Can we get fresh water in the Desert? How to get it? Here our proposals!


A real treasure

Did you see that? Wow! Brit students worked on rainforest structure analyzing layer, discovering how it work and...creating! Enjoy the results!

Welcome landscapegate!


This is how we introduced the project on the school!. A little infographic with the basics. We have also carried out a introductory activity; stunning tips to preserve the Planet!


Autorización participación

Aquí el modelo que se proporcionó a los alumnos para solicitar su participación en el proyecto



sello de calidad 

Lo conseguimos!

Muchísimas gracias a todos por participar! Vuestro trabajo ha sido increible! Por ello hemos sido galardonados con el sello de calidad nacional por el proyecto!. Seguimos trabajando!


El plan, la clave del éxito

Y así es cómo hemos trabajado en el proyecto! Descubre como creatividad e ilusión son la clave del éxtio.



The final product

And...here it is! We created a stunning water safety plan taking into account the present circumstances. This proposal aims to enhance the importance of preserving water as a valuable resource. 


Here our fantastic students sharing the water safety plan among  classmates.  They explained what is etwinning, how did they work and why water is so important these days. 

Thank you so much!!!!

Encountering solutions for water providing

Online meeting event 

A new online meeting is coming! We are exciting about meet againg our international partners to reflect on the importance of water and to share experiencies. Furthermore an expert participation is projected. 

24th MAY at 9:00H CET Save the date!

World water day 2021

Valuing water

What does water mean to you? This is the United Nations question. We answered in 140-280 characters, in other words, in a "tweet"! By this way we took part in the online discussion created by NU.  Moreover, we involved IES MEDINA ALBAIDA school; 1ºESO D-E students took sides in this activity. 

On the other hand, we met our international partners to discuss this question in a online meeting. The BRIT program's coordinator, Jose María Allué and the headmistress Mercedes Gil,  participated in.

An incredible event that help us to share believes because it is time to act!

Thinking about H2O - The survey 

And here the results! Thanks for participarting! IES MEDINA ALBAIDA school have do their best doing the test (126 participants). 

You can also enjoy this fantastic quiz created by our students. Thanks to them, you will discover some intersting facts about the importance of water.


Here we go! We have the pleasure to introduce the brand-new etwinning project. Water issues will be worked as well as environment in the COVID-19 context. 

Proud of be A treasure called water founder's project.

Let's think about the importance of H2O! 

A treasure called water in the hall!

We have introduced the project on the etwinning corner... at the school's hall! We have also created some interesting products at class to introduce the project and be aware of the importance of water, encouraging people to preserve it through an action plan.



How it works?

Here a little presentation about our etwinning project! It is a real honour share interests and new ideas with our european colleagues. Now, it's time to work and act!

Welcome on board!

Here the etwinning web project. We have presented our countries, interact with our partner schools and...think about the environmment. It is necessary to have an active role right now!

A survey on habits

What do you do to protect the environment?

 Can you answer this questions? Click on the image!


Environmental habits

Survey results!

Here they are! It is a real pleasure to share with you to all the results of the survey about our environmental habits.

We really try to contribute to the Planet's preservation! The vast majority do recycling and go on foot! Congrats!

Thank you so much to the IES MEDINA ALBAIDA community for participating!

etwinning at the hall!


A partir de ahora, el proyecto etwinning dispondrá de un espacio físico en la entrada principal del centro.

Desde aquí seguiremos difundiendo el programa y sus actividades más relevantes!

Os animamos a visitarlo, y a participar!

The Earth day!

On 22th April we celebrate Earth day. A remarkable event contributing to rise awareness. Students have create some wishes to conmemorate this day. If only they becomed true.....!

Here the results

Hemos llegado al final! Ha sido una gran aventura, ilusionante desde el principio hasta el final, que ha transformado a nuestros alumnos en ciudadanos activos y participativos, más sensibles si cabe aún, en cuestiones medioambientales. Aquí los resultados de un proyecto genial!

Gracias por vuestro trabajo, participación y emoción.

How it works? Techical questions

First project. Always ready to learn and to reach new standards. It has been a life-experience process; we have aproached new learning and teaching methods as a school. A new era begins in the IES MEDINA ALBAIDA, thanks etwinning, thanks Europe.

Quality label!

First experience, first results!. Here it is! We haven been awarded with an etwinning Quality label for the project!. Thank you so much to the IES MEDINA ALBAIDA community and specially to our fantastic students, that give their best, always.