Geography and History 


CURSO 2020-21

Patricia and Alex

Today, we have traveled a little with the help of Patricia and Alejandro. They live in British Columbia, Canada. They have sent us a message with some interesenting information about the climate and landscape in Canada. 

One day in Canada.pdf

The temperate rainforest

We have discovered a lot of things about Canada and above all about the temperate rainforest, an unique natural place in the world.

We have also thanked Patricia and Alex with some special words!


My key spot

Students work. Enjoy!

One day as an archaeologist

We have worked on classification and dating. As a real archaeologist, we have search for an interesting piece in our excavation and, after that we have dated, mesured and classified. Real practices in a real world! 

Thank you so much for collaborating!

Ancient Egypt

A challenge: one word, one topic

We love challenges! for this reason, we decided to carry out this amazing activity. Students prepared a little speach based in word! We discovered Ancient Egypt thanks to key words such as: black lands, static, the pharaoh....

Thanks for your work!


Politics in Ancient Greece

Students have work on politics! The analyze how law where created in their hole process; who drew up it and how to vote for, taking into account Sparta and Athens peculiarities. Thank you so much for your work!


The conflict of orders

La lucha de los plebeyos por sus derechos fue un gran hito en la historia de la Antigua Roma. Los alumnos de BRIT, se han puesto en su lugar y han diseñado estos fantásticos slogans y logotipos para imaginar qué sintieron los plebeyos cuando decieron perseguir algo que consideraban suyo.



Connecting classroom and reality!

Zaragoza's Ancient Rome tour

We discovered such a beautiful Ancient Rome remains!

A tour was projected (Museo provincial Caesaraugusta Gallery-Roman walls remains) where students explain carefully the most relevant details about this amazing landmarks. The activity was linked with the project "Ancient Rome Museum". 

Ancient Rome Museum

And here it is! Our stunning Museum! We worked on Ancient Rome topic through a real proposal: a museum's creation.

 Amazing results, incredible proposals.
