
Middle School is Phone Free

Mobile phones are welcome on campus and students may use these before or after school only, or with teacher permission to support learning. Mobile phones must be stored out of sight between 8:00 and 3:20 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and 2:00 on Wednesday. Devices that are seen during school hours will be taken and turned into the MS office.  

MS students will not be able to connect their mobile phone to the school network. 


Earphones should be used and the volume may not distract others. These electronic devices may not be used during emergency drills, assemblies or at other times and places when specifically announced. These valuable items are easily lost or stolen. ICS is not responsible for lost or stolen items.


All students in the ICS Middle participate in the 1:1 laptop program. Students are expected to bring their laptop everyday is it is an integral part of the ICS learning environment. Students may use additional equipment in school. These technology guidelines, while written specifically for use of the laptop, also cover student use of other devices. Students need to pay a 8500 ETB refundable deposit to the cashier prior to receiving a school issued laptop.  

Students are expected to abide by the Responsible Use Agreement, which must be signed yearly. 

Student Expectations

Students are expected to be responsible for the care and maintenance of their laptop. Appropriate instruction will be given to students as part of classroom activities and via email, online videos and courses. Students are to bring the laptop to school every school day with a fully charged battery. Students are expected to be responsible “digital citizens” by following the guidelines set out in the Responsible Use Statement.

Parent Expectations

Parents are asked to supervise the security of the laptop while at home or in the car, and to assist students with making sure that laptops are stowed securely in the carry case within the student's backpack while in transit from home to school. Parents are asked to assist in ensuring that the laptop comes to school fully charged with the student every normal school day. We also ask parents to supervise student use of the laptop and any internet connection while at home. Parents are encouraged to take an active interest in students' activities online and on the laptop. Parents are also encouraged to discuss staying safe and avoiding inappropriate material online with their children. While the school network is filtered to screen out inappropriate materials, no such filtering is foolproof and the school cannot control access outside of our network. Parents are also encouraged to talk with their child about their digital footprint and protecting their personal identity and information.

Parents will be asked to pay a refundable deposit of 4,500 birr as security for any repair costs for damage to the laptop or loss of the laptop. Additional deposits or costs for replacement or repair of the laptop, AC adapter, battery, or carry case will be billed to the family in case of loss, theft or damage. Multiple incidents of damage may result in the family being required to provide their own laptop for the student to use in school.

Care & Troubleshooting

Students are expected to be responsible for the laptop throughout the school year – both on and off campus. Any damage, loss or theft to the laptop will be the responsibility of the student and families will be charged for repair or replacement.

Students are not to bring laptops to the sports fields, gymnasium, cafeteria tables, or other places where the laptop may be damaged or lost. Laptops are to be locked up in the student’s locker during meals, PE classes, sports practices, etc. Any damages or difficulties with the laptop should be reported to the IT Help Desk immediately, or email

More Information

Students and parents can get more detailed information and expectations regarding technology and the 1:1 laptop program on the ICS website. Furthermore, there are support sites on the school’s eLearning portal for both care of the hardware and use of the software.

Parents or students who have further questions can contact                               

Traci Chanyalew, the Director of Technology Operations, at