Feedback and Reporting 


Philosophy and Aims 

The focus of the conferences should be on students reflecting clearly on their learning, as well as setting goals for future success. The culture of student-led conferences should be around a growth mindset. The conversation focus should be about ‘learning’ over ‘work’ and how summative assessment provides evidence of skill development, as well as the content. SLC also allows students to select evidence to support their ATL self-assessment and use their portfolio to structure the discussion. 

Below is a visual overview of the feedback and reporting structure dates for 2023 - 24 school year. 

*This is updated yearly

Connecting with Teachers

Teachers are willing, available, and expected to connect with parents in person from 3:30 - 4:30 or online (during school hours - during a non teaching time) as a formal check in based on summative assessments or parent need at any time during the year, but especially following the SLC or a reporting period - based on parent requests. 

Please connect with teachers via email to arrange an meeting at any time during the school year.  

Parent Student Teacher Conferences 

Hopes and Dreams

Student led conferences, student voice and agency are an important part of the learning journey in the MS. In the Hopes and Dreams conference students will reflect on the Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills they need to be successful and how to have a balance between academics and a rich social life - focusing on their interests, ASA’s and sports. 

Hopes and dreams are also an opportunity to establish goals for the year, and for parents to be an active poart of this goal setting process through answering the following questions: 

Student Led Conferences

Student Led Conferences are a 20 minute conference between the Student, Parents/Guardians and the Advisor based on sharing ATL evidence on their student portfolio. 

Hopes and Dreams Accomplished 

For students to reflect and celebrate on their first hopes and dreams conference and growth over the year 

Evidence to reflect on: 

Student Agency