Sharing Progress

When will we report to parents and students?

With the regular availability of the Toddle online portal, printed reports are no longer the primary method of communicating student effort and achievement. Students and parents are expected to regularly access the online grade book through the Toddle portal. For information on how to access the portal please see the Community Portal section of the school website. You may also contact the should you need additional support. 

Throughout the year teachers will be notifying parents when the class has finished a unit of study and that the grades for the subject criteria addressed and comments have been updated in Toddle. Parents or students may generate their own report card at any point during the year, instructions to do this can be found on the Community Portal section of the school website. 

The middle school office will send an electronic copy of the report card via email to all families at the end of the first and second semester. 

Incomplete grades on a report

A grade of incomplete “INC” is issued in two situations:

After an “INC” is earned by the student and upon returning to school, the student has ten days to make up the ‘incomplete’ work. An extension may be granted with approval of the principal. Students with multiple “INC” grades who do not satisfactorily make up the work may repeat their year.

Modified grades on a report

Some students may receive accommodations for learning or modified grades on their report card at the request of the SST. Grades will be marked as modified if the curriculum, standards, criteria year levels or class assessments are significantly altered for that student (for example, they are still learning English or who have verified learning differences).

What are the promotion requirements?

Situations sometimes exist in which automatic promotion to the next grade will not be granted. Cases in which a student has not met criteria in two or more core subjects OR has missed more than 15 school days within a year will be subject to a thorough review by the grade level team and the administration. A student will not be promoted to the next level (or to high school) if we do not feel they can be successful at that level. Our primary concern is that students are placed in the optimal environment for learning.