Serious Behavior

Academic learning takes place best in an environment where students and teachers feel physically, socially and emotionally safe and secure. Any behaviors that threaten this safety will be treated seriously at the first incident. Examples of serious behavior include lying, theft, disrespect, defiance, and any form of bullying or social aggression.

Bullying and Social Aggression: Bullying and social aggression will not be tolerated at ICS and all incidents will be taken very seriously. Bullying can be physical, verbal, emotional, racial, sexual, written, via Internet, etc. Bullying is defined as persistent, offensive, abusive, intimidating or insulting behavior, abuse of power or unfair penal sanctions. Bullying in any form makes the victim feel upset, threatened, persecuted, humiliated or vulnerable.

A lesser-known form of bullying, called ‘social aggression’, is also not tolerated. This is defined clearly by the Ophelia Project: “Relational aggression, also known as "covert aggression," is used by acquaintances or peer groups to damage a victim's social status or relationships.

Social aggression and bullying undermine the victim’s self-confidence, causes stress and interferes with one’s ability to learn. Bullying can be:

Physical – pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching, any form of violence, threats

Verbal – name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumors, gossiping, persistent teasing

Emotional – tormenting, threatening ridicule, humiliation, exclusion from groups or activities

Racist – racial taunts, graffiti, gestures

Sexual – unwanted physical contact, abusive comments

Written – name-calling, threats, SMS, via Internet, tormenting, etc.

If you are the victim of, or a witness to bullying, please report the situation to a teacher or the counselor immediately. If you are still concerned about it, meet with the principal or deputy principal.