Behavior Expectation

What do we expect in student behavior?

The ICS way is the foundation of expectations for student behavior. Students, ICS employees and parents are expected to model the following behaviors:

I can make a difference by…

•Taking care of myself

•Taking care of others

•Taking care of this place

Honesty: Telling the truth is a basic expectation and is a cornerstone of a safe, successful learning environment for all. Lying or obstructing the truth is not acceptable. Students are expected to report any dishonest, harmful or potentially harmful behaviors to a trusted adult on campus e.g. reporting suspicious substances immediately.

Trust: Looking after your own personal belongings is a basic expectation. Theft of any personal or school property, or any involvement with stolen property, destroys the trust of the school community and will be dealt with severely.

Respectful/Caring Actions: The safety and success of our learning environment depend on the respectful, caring actions of all community members. Fighting, roughhousing, loud talking or yelling, running, chasing, blocking, pushing or playing in classrooms or hallways of the school all interfere with the peace, safety and learning of others.

Respectful Communication and Cooperation: Again, the safety and success of our learning environment depend on the cooperation and civility of all community members. Students are expected to communicate respectfully and cooperate with other students and all adults on campus. Acting or speaking rudely or negatively toward any adult (including staff, parents, guards, cleaners and support staff) is considered disrespectful and not cooperating with reasonable requests is considered defiance. All students have the right to discuss any request they believe to be unreasonable, or jeopardizing their welfare or property, with a trusted adult e.g. teacher, teaching assistant, advisor, counselor, assistant principal or principal.

All ICS employees have the authority, responsibility and professional duty to intervene when a student is behaving in a way that would endanger the safety or well-being of the student or others, cause unnecessary risk to anyone, or which interferes with learning and the operation or reputation of the school. Our goal is to ensure, in partnership with parents, that students develop self-regulation while also taking responsibility for their choices. Our expectations, rules and guidelines apply to students at all times on campus and at school-sponsored activities off campus. To ensure student safety, all property in school, including lockers or items brought onto the school campus by students or others, is subject to search by school officials at their discretion. 

MS Behaviour Guidelines