Unit 4
Additional Resources 

Unit 4 encourages you to reflect on the 3 main roles of assessment as outlined in Unit 3, before exploring further information on the assessment arrangements as found in the Curriculum for Wales Framework. 

Curriculum for Wales: Assessing Plan/ Overview

School assessment arrangements - overview.doc

Reflect and Respond:

The example shows a range of assessments that a school/ setting may undertake, based on the assessment guidance as found in the Curriculum for Wales Framework. This document should be personalised to ensure that it is aligned with your school's curriculum. 

Blank_ CfW Assessing Plan.doc
CfW Assessing Plan.doc

Developing a shared understanding of progresion

Ongoing professional dialogue within and between schools/ settings is central to building and maintaining a shared understanding of progression in order to ensure coherence, smooth transition and the pace and challenge of expectations. This professional dialogue is important to: 

Leaders should ensure that the outcomes of the professional dialogue with other schools and settings are shared and fed into discussions within their school or setting, and vice versa, to positively impact planning, learning and teaching.

The insight and understanding gained as a result of this professional dialogue should inform each school and setting's self-evaluation process, helping define future priorities for leadership, curriculum design, planning,  learning and teaching. This professional dialogue will not be linked to external accountability measures. 

Reflect and respond:

Shared understanding of progression - Example

SUP Example.pdf
SUP Overview Example.docx

On-entry assessments 

To support the implementation of on-entry assessments, schools and settings must:

To ensure schools and settings have the flexibility to align their on-entry assessment arrangements with their curriculum, it will be for schools and settings to determine the detail of these assessment arrangements. However, the assessment must:

Reflect and Respond:

You may wish to record your reflections on this document.

On-entry assessments.docx

The 'assessment arrangements for funded non-maintained nursery settings' identifies the mandatory assessment areas along with  a series of questions for us to consider as we observe children during the first 6 weeks as well as examples of what we may observe and record in terms of children's development, learning and progress. 


On-entry assessment - Example Temaplates 

On Entry assessment - one page.docx
On Entry Assessment Table.docx
On-entry assessment_Example 1.docx
On-entry assessment_Example 2.docx
On-entry assessment_Example 3.docx

Communicating and engaging with parents and carers 

Communicating effectively with parents and carers on an ongoing basis is an important way to foster positive relationships in order to engage them in purposeful and meaningful dialogue. When undertaken well, this can aid learner progression by helping parents and carers to understand how they can support learning within and outside the school environment.

Schools and settings should develop and implement processes to support effective two-way communication and engagement with parents and carers. When developing these processes, consideration should be given to using a wide variety of different communication means. 

In terms of individual learner information, schools and settings should share information with parents and carers about:

Sharing individual learner information with parents and carers should be done at least termly and should not to be contained in large written reports but fed back in an accessible manner which maximises engagement from and understanding of parents and carers.

A summary of individual learner information should be provided annually, the timing and format of which will be determined by the head teacher but which best supports the learner’s progress. The information provided should not contain descriptions of the topics and learning activities the learner has undertaken, unless this is to provide context, but should focus on the progression itself and the individual needs and support of the learner.

It is important that information and feedback can be easily understood by its intended audience – it should be concise and jargon-free. The principles of progression can offer schools an organising framework and shared narrative for their communications with parents and carer.

Further information can be found here: Summary of legislation - Hwb (gov.wales)

Communicating with parents and carers.docx

You may wish to record your reflections on this document.

Reflect and Respond:

Examples of communicating with parents and carers
These examples show how schools are communicating and engaging with parents/ carers

Parents Evening at Ysgol Calon Cymru
Listen to Assistant Headteacher, Sarah Cuthbertson, talk about the changes made to parents/ carers' evening at Ysgol Calon Cymru. Please note that this is a recorded PowerPoint. 

parents evening [Autosaved].pptx
Ysgol Gynradd Pontsenni Report Example.pdf
Parents and carers report template.docx


Transition plans aim to support and improve links between secondary schools and feeder primary schools with a specific focus on working together to support coherent learner progression, support the overall needs and well-being of the learner and ensure appropriate pace and challenge in a school’s approach to progression when developing their curriculum and assessment arrangements.

Under the 2022 Transition Regulations governing bodies of maintained secondary schools and feeder primary schools must jointly draw up a single transition plan to support transition of learners from Year 6 to Year 7. Provision for individual feeder primary schools within the plan can be different, but there must only be a single plan held by the secondary school.

Transition plans must be published on or before the beginning of the school year they are intended to apply to.

Further information can be found here.

Latest TRANSITION PLAN FOR xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - docx.docx
Cymraeg_TRANSITION PLAN FOR xxxxxxxxxxxxx.doc

The National Resource: Evaluation and Improvement 

Estyn Guidance September / October 2022

What we inspect_0.pdf
Beth rydym yn ei arolygu.pdf
Effective approaches to assessment that improve teaching and learning (1).pdf