Unit 3
The 3 main roles of assessment 

Unit 3 aims to build upon Unit 1 and 2, as we consider how the 3 main roles of assessment can be implemented within a school/ setting. 

Remember: Assessment has three main roles in the process of enabling learner progression:

When planning and delivering learning experiences, schools and practitioners should be clear about the specific role of each assessment being undertaken, and what the understanding gained from assessment will be used for and why.

This section aims to provide schools with ideas of how to develop the three main roles of assessment.
Please note: the ideas below are suggestions only, and show examples of how schools are approaching assessment and progression. 

Supporting individual learners on an ongoing, day-to-day basis

Assessment should focus on identifying each individual learner’s strengths, achievements, areas for improvement and, where relevant, barriers to learning. This understanding should be used by the practitioner, in discussion with the learner, to ascertain the next steps required to move learning forward, including any additional challenge and support required. This should be achieved by embedding assessment into day-to-day practice in a way that engages the learner and makes it indistinguishable from learning. This allows the practitioner to respond to the individual needs of the full range of learners within their classroom on an ongoing basis. 

Assessment and Feedback Research Feb 2022 Taken from Professor Hattie.pdf

Assessment and Feedback Research - What does the research say?
Teacher Feedback to Improve Pupil Learning | EEF (educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk)

Feedback in Books - Example

Feedback in Books.docx.pdf

Feedback and Reflection Policy - Example 

Feedback and Reflection Policy 2021-23-2.pdf

Dylan Williams - What do you mean by Assessment for Learning?

Learner well-being and assessment: mutual support systems
This document looks at the relationship between assessment and well-being of a learner. It explores how using assessment on an ongoing, day-to-day basis to identify, capture and reflect on individual learner progress provides opportunities to promote the well-being of learners. It offers prompts for practitioners for reflection and consideration of their school’s current practice and how it could be improved. 


Learning and Teaching with Tom Sherrington 

Assessment for Learning ideas, presented by Mike Gershon. 

Free Assessment for Learning resources can be found here. 

Session 1 - Assessment for Learning.pptx

Identifying, capturing and reflecting on individual progress over time

Evaluation and Improvement.doc

Assessment should support practitioners in identifying the progress being made by an individual learner, and recording this, where appropriate, to understand the learner’s journey over different periods of time and in a variety of ways. This includes developing an understanding of how a learner has learned, as well as what they have learned and are able to demonstrate. Reflecting on a learner’s progress over time will enable practitioners to provide feedback and help plan their future learning, including any interventions, additional support or challenge that may be required. This should include both immediate next steps and longer-term objectives and goals that the learner should work towards to help keep them moving forward in their learning. It can also be used as a basis for communicating and engaging with parents and carers. 

My Personal Learning Journey general - template.pdf
My Personal Lerning Journey - template.doc

Learner Progress Meetings
Opportunities for leaders and teachers to discuss learner wellbeing and progress, identifying strengths and next steps for individuals. These discussions between leaders and teachers allow practitioners to develop a holistic picture of the child. The examples below could be adapted and used in conversations between the leader and teacher, and/or learner. 

Individual learner progress.doc
Review of individual progress over time.docx

Case Study - Ysgol Carreghofa
Listen to Headteacher, Claire Pritchard, talk about Ysgol Carreghofa's journey to progression and assessment. Claire talks about the 'Pupil Focus Groups' as mentioned in Estyn's Thematic Review (October 2022). Please note that this is a recorded PowerPoint. 

Click here to downloaded the recorded PowerPoint. 

Case Study- How learner review meetings support progression 

Case Mangement Meetings - Template.docx
Case Mangement Meetings - Blank Template.docx
Case Management Meeting Template (2).doc

Further templates and information about Data Walls and Case Management Meetings can be found here. 

Lyn Sharratt - Building Capacity: Data Walls and Case Management 

Supporting Learners in Assessing Learning
Listen to a Headteacher talk about how the cluster is trialling 'bump it up walls' to support learner progression. 

This recording was part of a 'Talk Pedagogy' Session. To access the 'Talk Pedagogy' Team, please click here. 

Understanding group progress in order to reflect on practice

Group progress of learners Reviewing and reflecting to inform practice.doc
Review and evaluation of group progress to reflect on practice.docx
Data Walls Information.pdf

Llanidloes High School talking about data walls and case management meetings with Lyn Sharratt

Personalised Assessments 

Click on the image to access the guidance. 

Using personalised assessments in Reading, Numeracy (Procedural) and Numeracy (Reasoning): webinars for teachers.
Webinars for teachers on using the Personalised Assessments system and the reports it generates to support teaching, learning and progression planning in reading and numeracy .
Webinar recordings can be found here. 

Personalised assessments: understanding of using learner feedback and group reports.
Video can be found here.