Unit 2
Reflecting on practice

Unit 2 aims to reflect on current practice and build upon the knowledge and understanding gained from Unit 1.

Resources and discussion points are provided to further collaborate on various aspects of assessment and progression.

Where are we?
Initial thoughts about assessment and progression

Where are we?

Reflect and Respond:

  • What does assessment and progression mean to your school/ cluster?
    Write an individual or collective description of what assessment
    and progression looks like in your school/ cluster. This will allow you to identify and reflect upon what assessment and progression currently looks like in your school/ cluster.

  • Share your descriptions with colleagues and discuss: is there a shared understanding of what assessment and progression means across the whole school/ cluster?

  • What is your vision for assessment and progression in your school/ cluster?

You may wish to capture your responses on this Jamboard.

Assessment as compliance task.pdf

Please click on the document above to download a copy of the task.

Assessment as Compliance Task
The purpose of assessment in Curriculum for Wales is to support each individual to make progress. This activity asks you to to reflect on different types of assessment methods, sorting them into two groups: 'assessment as compliance' and 'assessment that informs learning and teaching.'

Reflect on the assessment methods that you currently use in your school/ cluster. Where do they sit in terms of assessment as compliance and assessment that informs learning and teaching?

A Jamboard version of the activity can be found
here. Please make a copy of the Jamboard, before using.

What assessment methods does your school/ cluster currently use?

Task 1

Discuss with your school/ cluster the following questions:

  • What assessment methods do we currently use?

  • Why, how, and when do we use them?

  • How effective are they in supporting learner progress?

  • How could we use this information effectively to support planning for progression?

  • Who are we assessing for?

Task 2
Discuss and select the appropriate assessment methods that your school/ cluster may wish to keep, refine or remove. Remember: it is important to trial, refine and evaluate new methods based on research and practice (refer to Unit 4).

Reflecting on current practice (1).docx

You may wish to use the example template above to capture your responses.

Discussion around progression.
Reflect and respond:

  • How are we using the principles of progression?

  • How are we using the assessment principles to support learner progression?

  • How are we thinking of new ways about assessment and progression in Curriculum for Wales? How?

  • What approaches can we use to co-construct our development of practice in planning and assessing progression?

*These questions are taken for the Welsh Government National Network Conversation on progression and assessment.


The Assessment Principles can be found here and below.

The Key Principles of Assessment
What do the key principles of assessment mean for your school/ cluster?

Building upon your understanding in Unit 1, reflect and respond on each of the 6 key principles of assessment.

Complete the Microsoft Form to identify your current progress and areas of development in relation to each principle. The MS Form can be found here.

Reflect and Respond:

  • What do the key principles mean to you as a school/ cluster?

  • What are you currently doing for each of the key principles?

  • What could you implement in the short, medium and long term to move forward in developing each of the 6 key principles?

You may wish to use the Jamboard, or provided document to capture your discussions and responses.

Listening to learners

Listening to Learners.doc

As part of your curriculum design process, it is important to find out what your learners think about assessment and progression in your school/ cluster.

Use the template and questions provided to ask your learners what they think of your current assessment methods, and what they feel really makes a difference to their progress.

You may wish to select, change and adapt the questions, depending on the focus and the needs and ability of your learners.

Assessment and Progression
are other schools doing to develop assessment and progression?

A case study based on the key principles of assessment - Jubilee Park

Examples of how schools have approached progression in their curriculum planning.

Bishop Hedley Catholic High School - Curriculum Development Case Study .
here to view the case study.

Gilwern Primary - Developing purposeful assessment in line with the Curriculum for Wales. Click here to view the case study.