Deepening understanding of assessment and progression

“Assessment should always focus on moving learning forward by understanding the learning what has already taken place, and using this to ensure that each learner is challenged and support appropriately, according to their individual learning needs.”
Curriculum for Wales

This GoogleSite has been designed as a self-directed Professional Learning resource, in line with the Mid-Wales Partnerships' 'Deepening understanding of assessment and progression in Curriculum for Wales' webinar.

This resource aims to support schools and settings in their approach to assessment and progression, ensuring that progression and assessment is intrinsic to curriculum design. Resources and examples are provided, however it is important to note that schools and settings should change, adapt or alter any exemplar, to ensure they reflect a school's individual curriculum, and are purposeful in supporting the needs of individuals within a school/ setting. This professional learning resource will be updated to reflect the most current Welsh Government guidance, and any new examples that are shared.

The resource is organised as follows:

Unit 1 - Curriculum for Wales Guidance

Unit 2 - Reflecting on Practice

Unit 3 - The three main roles of assessment

Unit 4 - Additional Resources

Unit 5 - Welsh Government: Supporting resources and materials

Reflection and discussion opportunities are provided throughout each unit, along with example resources.

'Deepening understanding of assessment and progression in Curriculum for Wales' Webinar
June 2022

Assessment and Progression Webinar MWP.pdf