Welsh Language
Iaith Cymraeg
At Maendy Primary School we want to inspire our whole school community to use Welsh language in all aspects of their school lives. We provide opportunities for learners to acquire the speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through the medium of Welsh during specific Welsh language lessons, as well as promoting the use of bilingualism across the curriculum.
We are supporting Welsh Government's target to have 50 million Welsh speakers by 2050.
Nursery - Year 2
Meithrinfa - Blwyddyn Dau
Meithrinfa - Blwyddyn Dau
We follow the Welsh EAS teaching packs to ensure skills and language patterns are taught progressively across the Foundation Phase. Fflic a Fflac puppets, DVDs and books help us to model the language.
Year 3 - Year 6
Blwyddyn Tri - Blwyddyn Chwech
Blwyddyn Tri - Blwyddyn Chwech
We follow the Welsh EAS teaching packs to ensure skills and language patterns are taught progressively across the year groups. Y Pod Antur DVDs and books help us to model the language.
Criw Cymraeg
Criw Cymraeg are a group of pupils from across the school who help to promote Welsh language.
They are currently working towards earning the Silver Award in the Cymraeg Campus. In 2020, the school had been awarded the Bronze Award status for their work in developing a Welsh ethos.
This term we are focusing on Target 2 - Understanding the advantages to learning Welsh
Target 10 - Further developing a positive attitude
Target 6 - Considering Welsh apps and websites
Apps and websites
Campau Cosmig app
Welsh games to reinforce language
Ap Geiriaduron app
Dictionary app