8.3.2021 - 12.3.2021

Sesiynau byw / Live sessions

Staff - sesiynau byw CA2 dosbarth.pdf

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh Language Charter

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y botwm isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh Language Charter' page by clicking on the button below.

Dydd Llun / Monday


Dewch i wylio gwasanaeth Mr Dobson am Anifeiliaid Arbennig.

Come to watch Mr Dobson's assembly about Special Animals.


Llythrennedd / Literacy:

Bore da!

Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Williams. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn.

Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning!

Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Williams. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access.

Diolch yn fawr.

Task 1: Use one of the spelling strategies below to practise spelling some of the words from the story.

Can you join the dots using lowercase letters?

Task 2: At the end of the chapter, we meet a little boy named George who wants to help Roy. How do you think he should help him? Write a few sentences in your book explaining your ideas, or use one of the templates. There are some sentences starters below to help you.

I think George should...

My idea for George is...

If I was George I would...

If I was trying to help Roy I would...

Ideas for George.pdf

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Bore da!

Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Williams. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn.

Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning!

Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Williams. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access.

Diolch yn fawr.

Mathemateg Pen / Mental Maths:

Maths Pen 8.3.21

Perimedr / Perimeter

Y perimedr yw pellter yr holl ffordd o gwmpas ochr allanol siâp 2D.

I gyfrifo’r perimedr, rhaid adio hyd pob ochr.

Gwyliwch y fideo i weld enghreifftiau.

The perimeter is the distance all the way around the outside of a 2D shape.

To work out the perimeter, you add up the lengths of all the sides.

Watch the video to see examples.

Tasg 1: Cyfrifwch berimedr y siapiau isod. Dewisiwch opsiwn 1, 2 neu 3.

Gallwch ddefnyddio ein dull dyblu i ddechrau, ac yna adio mewn colofnau i gyfrifo cyfanswm hyd bob ochr.

Task 1: Calculate the perimeter of the shapes below. Choose option 1, 2 or 3.

You could use our doubling method first, and then add in columns to calculate the total length of each side.

Opsiwn 1 / Option 1

Opsiwn 1 Perimedr.pdf

Opsiwn 2 / Option 2

Opsiwn 2 Perimedr.pdf

Opsiwn 3 / Option 3

Opsiwn 3 Perimedr.pdf

Tasg 2: Defnyddiwch y wefan ar y ddolen i lunio siapiau gyda'r perimedrau sydd yn y tabl.

Anfonwch luniau i ni o'ch siapiau ar 'Seesaw'.

Task 2: Use the website on the link to draw shapes with the perimeters in the table.

Send us pictures of your shapes on 'Seesaw'.

Thema / Theme:

Wythnos Gwyddoniaeth Prydain / British Science week:

Ymchwiliad planhigion / Investigating plants:

Mae planhigion yn tyfu ym mhobman. Ydych chi'n cofio beth sydd angen ar blanhigion i dyfu? Gwyliwch y cyflwyniad cyn dechrau ar y tasgau.

Plants grow all around us. Do you remember what plants need to grow? Watch the presentation before starting the tasks.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Ydy planhigion yn gallu tyfu heb olau? / Can plants grow without light?

Heddiw rydych chi'n mynd i gynnal ymchwiliad i weld a all blanhigion dyfu a goroesi heb olau? I gynnal yr ymchwiliad bydd angen y pethau canlynol arnoch:

Today you are going to carry out an investigation to see if plants can grow and survive without light? To conduct the experiment you will need the following items:

hadau neu blanhigion / seeds or plants

pridd/ soil

potiau/ pots

dŵr / water

Bydd angen i chi osod un o'r potiau y tu allan lle mae golau a'r llall mewn lle tywyll lle does dim golau. Cofiwch i wneud yr arbrawf yn un teg drwy fesur yr un maint o bridd, yr un nifer o hadau a thrwy roi'r un maint o ddŵr i'r planhigyn bob dydd.

You will need to place one of the pots outside or close to a window and the other pot in a dark place where there is no light. Remember to make the experiment fair by measuring the same amount of soil, the same number of seeds and giving the plant the same amount of water every day.

Tasg 2 / Task 2

Dangoswch eich darganfyddiadau ar y daflen cofnodi neu defnyddiwch gamera i dynnu lluniau i ddangos y canlyniadau. Record your observations on the sheet or use a camera to take photographs to show the results.

ymchwiliad planhigion.pdf

Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday


Llythrennedd / Literacy:

Bore da!

Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Mrs Griffiths Jones. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn.

Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning!

Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Mrs Griffiths Jones. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access.

Diolch yn fawr.




Antonyms are words with opposite meanings:

  • words such as angry and peaceful

  • words such as funny and serious

Task 1: Match the words with their antonyms. Choose option 1,2 or 3.

Option 1:

O1 Antonyms.pdf

Option 2:

O2 Antonyms.pdf

Option 3:

O3 Antonyms.pdf

Task 2: Choose option 1,2 or 3 to complete. You can complete the work in your books or on the worksheet.

Option 1:

O1 Antonyms (T2).pdf

Option 2:

O2 Antonyms (T2).pdf

Option 3:

O3 Antonyms (T2).pdf

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Bore da!

Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Mrs Griffiths Jones Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn.

Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning!

Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Mrs Griffiths Jones. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access.

Diolch yn fawr.

Mathemateg Pen / Mental Maths:

Maths pen 9.3.21

Perimedr / Perimeter

Tasg 1: Mesurwch berimedr y siapiau isod.

Defnyddiwch y grid i fesur hyd bob ochr o’r siapiau gan ysgrifennu'r hyd wrth ymyl bob ochr. Cofiwch bod hyd un sgwâr = 1cm. Yna, adiwch yr hydoedd i gyd i ddarganfod y perimedr. Gallwch gopïo’r siapiau yn eich llyfrau a'u labelu. Does dim angen iddyn nhw fod yn union yr un peth, y darn pwysig yw'r labelu.

Task 1: Measure the perimeter of the shapes below.

Use the grid to measure each side and write down their lengths. Remember than the length of one square = 1cm. Then, add the lengths together to work out the perimeter. You can copy these shapes in your book and label them. They don't need to be exactly the same, the important part is the labeling.


Enghraifft / Example:

5 + 6 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 22cm

Tasg 2:

Edrychwch ar y lluniau o'r jiraff a mwnci. Cyfrifwch ar hyd eu hamlinelliad fesul 1cm. Beth yw eu perimedrau?

Task 2:

Look at these pictures of a giraffe and a monkey. Count along their outline in 1cm. What are their perimeters?

Gweithgaredd ychwanegol: Defnyddiwch y grid ar lein o ddoe i greu anifail eich hun.

Additional activity: Use the online grid from yesterday's work to create an animal.

Thema / Themed work:

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Sut mae dŵr yn teithio trwy blanhigion? Ydych chi erioed wedi ystyried sut mae dŵr yn cyrraedd ein planhigion? Heddiw rydych chi'n mynd i gynnal ymchwiliad i ddarganfod beth sy'n digwydd.

How does water travel within plants? Have you ever considered how water gets transported within plants? Today you are going to investigate how this happens.

Rhowch gynnig ar naill a'i gwneud yr arbrawf sy'n dangos y broses neu darluniwch lun yn eich llyfr yn ei esbonio. Cofiwch i labeli'ch llun. Gwyliwch y cyflwyniad ac edrychwch ar y lluniau isod i'ch helpu.

Have a go by either conducting an experiment showing the process or draw a labeled picture in your book explaining it. Watch the presentation and look at the pictures below to help you.

Sesiwn ddawns stryd / Street dance session:

Dewch i wneud sesiwn ddawns stryd gyda Amber Williams, ar ran Chwaraeon Torfaen. Os ydych chi’n cymryd rhan, cofiwch rannu eich lluniau gyda ni ar Twitter. (@ygcwmbran)

Come and take part in a street dance session with Amber Williams, on behalf of Torfaen Sports Team. If you take part in the session, remember to share your photos with us on Twitter. (@ygcwmbran)

Dydd Mercher / Wednesday


Llythrennedd / Literacy:

Bore da!

Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Williams. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn.

Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning!

Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Williams. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access.

Diolch yn fawr.

Task 1:

Read or listen to chapter 3- The Zebra Warp Drive. After reading or listening to it, answer the following questions. Try your best to answer in full sentences.

  1. What were Roy and George looking for?

  2. Where did Roy and George sleep at the beginning of the chapter?

  3. Who saw Roy's ears wiggling?

  4. What did the farmer give Roy and George to drink and eat?

  5. What did Roy and George travel on?

  6. During the trip, what animals did they see?

  7. What did George learn to drive?

  8. What do you think Roy and George saw in the distance?

Task 2: Order the words below in alphabetical order. Choose option 1,2 or 3.

Option 1:

O1 Alphabetical order.pdf

Option 2:

O2 Alphabetical order.pdf

Option 3:

O3 Alphabetical order.pdf

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Bore da!

Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Williams. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn.

Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning!

Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Williams. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access.

Diolch yn fawr.

Mathemateg Pen / Mental Maths:

Maths pen 10.03.21

Arwynebedd / Area

Arwynebedd yw maint arwyneb.

Gallwn gyfrif pob sgwâr y tu mewn i siapiau i gyfrifo eu harwynebedd. Mae gan bob un o'r siapiau a ddangosir yr un arwynebedd o 8cm².

Area is the size of a surface.

We can count each square inside shapes to calculate their area. All of the shapes shown have the same area of 8cm².

Tasg 1: Dewch i chwarae'r gêm arwynebedd. Dewiswch lefel 1 a throwch yr amserydd ymlaen am her ychwanegol.

Task 1: Come and play the area game. Select level 1 and turn the timer on for an extra challenge.

Ffordd gyflymach o gyfrifo arwynebedd sgwâr neu betryal, yw lluosi ei uchder gyda’i led.

Os yw’r uchder a’r lled mewn cm, bydd yr arwynebedd mewn cm².

Cliciwch ar y ddolen o dan y llun i wylio fideo yn dangos enghreifftiau.

A faster way of calculating the area of ​​a square or rectangle, is to multiply its height by its width.

If the height and width are in cm, the area is shown in cm².

Click on the link below the picture to watch a video showing examples.

Tasg 2: Beth yw arwynebedd y siapiau isod? Dewiswch opsiwn 1, 2 neu 3.

Task 2: What is the area of the shapes below? Choose option 1, 2 or 3.

Opsiwn 1 / Option 1

Opsiwn 1 Arwynebedd.pdf

Opsiwn 2 / Option 2

Opsiwn 2 Arwynebedd.pdf

Opsiwn 3 / Option 3

Opsiwn 3 Arwynebedd.pdf

Thema / Theme:

Dylunio a thechnoleg / Design and technology:

Gwneud dyfais i ddyfrio planhigion:

Yr wythnos hon rydych chi wedi bod yn dysgu am blanhigion a'r hyn sydd angen ar blanhigion i dyfu. Heddiw rydych chi'n mynd i ddefnyddio eich sgiliau creadigol gyda deunyddiau ailgylchu drwy gynllunio ac adeiladu dyfais sy'n hunan ddyfrio planhigion .

Make a plant self-watering device:

This week you have been learning about plants and what they need in order to grow. Today you are going to be using your creative skills with recycled materials to design and make a self-watering device.

Tasg 1 :

Mae angen dyfrio planhigion yn rheolaidd er mwyn i'r planhigion dyfu. Ond gall rhoi gormod o ddŵr i blanhigion eu niweidio. Edrychwch ar y we neu defnyddiwch y lluniau isod i'ch helpu i gynllunio dyfais fydd yn gallu hunan ddyfrio planhigion. Cynlluniwch eich syniad yn eich llyfr yn gyntaf cyn mynd ati i adeiladu eich dyfais.

Task 1:

Plants need to be watered regularly to help them grow. However, too much water can harm them. Your device needs to stop this from happening. Use the internet or look at the pictures below for inspiration on how to make a plant self-watering device. Draw your design in your book before building it.

Tynnwch luniau a rhannwch eich gwaith gyda ni. / Take photographs and share your work with us.

Digwyddiadau Menter iaith BGTM /

BGTM's Welsh language events

Mae Menter iaith BTGM yn cynnal sesiynau 'Ymarfer Corff' ac 'Amser Chwarae' yn wythnosol ar Zoom. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i blant o'r dosbarth derbyn i flwyddyn 6 i chwarae a defnyddio'u Cymraeg. Gweler yr hysbysebion isod am fwy o fanylion.

BTGM's Welsh language enterprise holds Welsh fitness sessions and Playtime sessions every week on Zoom. These sessions are a great opportunity for children from Reception to Year 6 to use their Welsh in a fun and social setting. See the adverts below for more information.

Dydd Iau / Thursday


Llythrennedd / Literacy:

Bore da!

Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Mrs Griffiths Jones. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn.

Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning!

Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Mrs Griffiths Jones. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access.

Diolch yn fawr.

Read chapters 5, 6 and 7 or listen to them being read to you.

Task 1: In chapter 5 George and Roy decide they want to be in a movie. Mr Harbuckle asked them what could they do, so Roy did a song and dance. Think of 5 things you can do and draw pictures to represent these things. Copy the template below in your books or complete the task on the template.

Film template.pdf

Task 2: At the beginning of chapter 7 Roy and George arrived at the 'World's greatest safari park'. Design a poster advertising the safari park. You can do this in your books, on Publisher or Jit5.

Remember to include:

  • Title

  • Information about which animals there are in the safari park.

  • Pictures

  • Opening times / prices

Mewngofnodwch i HWB a chliciwch ar J2Launch

Log in to HWB and click on J2Launch

Cliciwch ar JIT5

Click on JIT5

Publisher ar y gliniadur

Publisher on the laptop

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Bore da!

Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Mrs Griffiths Jones. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn.

Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning!

Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Mrs Griffiths Jones. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access.

Diolch yn fawr.

Mathemateg Pen / Mental Maths:

Maths pen 11.3.21.pptx

Perimedr ac arwynebedd / Perimeter and area.

Tasg 1:

Mae angen carped neu lawr newydd ar yr ystafelloedd hyn (heblaw rhif 8). Mae angen darganfod beth yw perimedr ac arwynebedd y gwahanol ystafelloedd.

Mae angen i chi gyfrifo hyd pob ochr er mwyn darganfod perimedr yr ystafelloedd ac yna darganfod yr arwynebedd trwy luosi'r hyd gyda'r lled. Sylwch mai mewn metrau (m) mae'r mesuriadau tro hyn.

Task 1:

These rooms need new carpets or flooring (except number 8 of course). You need to work out the perimeter and area of the different rooms.

You will need to add each side to discover the perimeter of each room and then to work out the area multiply the length by the width. Notice that the units of measurements are in meters (m) today.

Ystafelloedd metrau.pdf

Tasg 2: Ymchwiliad.

Gan ddefnyddio'r gêm 'Area Builder' , darganfyddwch berimedr ac arwynebedd y siâp 4 ochr lleiaf fedrwch chi greu a hefyd y siâp 4 ochr mwyaf y medrwch chi greu. Llenwch y tabl gyda'ch atebion. Cofiwch wylio'r 'Flipgrid' am esboniad pellach.

Task 2: Investigation.

By using the game 'Area Builder' , investigate what's the perimeter and area of the smallest 4 sided shape you can create and also what's the perimeter and area of the biggest 4 sided shape. Fill in your answers in the table. Make sure you watch the 'Flipgrid' for a clearer explanation.

Y gêm / The game

Tabl ymchwilio dydd Iau..pdf

Thema / Themed work:

Dysgu am oleuni / Learning about light:

Ydych chi'n gwybod sut gallwn ni weld yr holl bethau sydd o'n hamgylch ni? Rydyn ni'n gweld pethau oherwydd bod goleuni'n cael ei adlewyrchu oddi wrthyn nhw. Mae cysgodion yn ffurfio oherwydd nad yw goleuni'n gallu mynd drwy rywbeth. Gwyliwch y cyflwyniad i ddysgu mwy. / Do you know how we can see things around us? We see things because light is reflected from them. Shadows form because light cannot pass through something. Watch the presentation to learn more.

Tasg 1 : Archwilio cysgodion. Dewisiwch un o'r opsiynau isod /

Task 1: Investigating shadows. Choose one of the options below:

Opsiwn 1

Ewch ati i edrych ar ble a phryd mae cysgodion yn ffurfio a sut gallwch chi wneud iddyn nhw fynd yn fwy neu'n llai. Os gallwch chi fynd y tu allan ar adegau gwahanol ar ddiwrnod braf, edrychwch ar sut mae cysgodion yn newid eu maint a'u cyfeiriad.

Option 1:

Have a look at where and when shadows form and how you can make them bigger or smaller. If you can get outside at different times on a sunny day, see how shadows change their size and direction.

Opsiwn 2

Y tu mewn, ceisiwch wneud cysgodion â thortshys a'ch dwylo. Gallwch chi hyd yn oed geisio gwneud pypedau cysgod i adrodd stori – y cyfan fydd ei angen i wneud pyped yw darn o bapur trwchus neu gerdyn o'r bin ailgylchu i dynnu amlinelliad y cymeriad sydd ei angen, a darn o bren i'w osod arno. Disgleiriwch y dortsh ar y pyped a bydd cysgod yn ffurfio y tu ôl iddo.

Option 2:

Indoors, try to make shadows with torches and your hands. You could even try to make shadow puppets to tell a story – all you will need to make a puppet is some thick paper or card from your recycling bin to cut an outline shape of the character you need, and a stick or to mount it on. Shine the torch at the puppet and a shadow will form behind it.

Dydd Gwener / Friday


Llythrennedd / Literacy:

Bore da!

Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Mrs Griffiths Jones. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn.

Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning!

Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Mrs Griffiths Jones. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access.

Diolch yn fawr.

Read chapters 8 and 9 or listen to them being read to you.

Task 1: What was your favourite part of the story? Add your answer to the Padlet. Use the sentence starter below.

My favourite part of the story was _________________________.


Task 2: How about completing a few levels on NESSY?

Secret word : frosteddawn

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Bore da!

Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Mrs Griffiths Jones. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn.

Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning!

Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Mrs Griffiths Jones. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access.

Diolch yn fawr.

Mathemateg Pen / Mental Maths:

Maths pen 12.3.21.pptx

Gemau Mathemateg ar lein / Mathematic games on-line.

Mwynhewch y wers heddwi trwy chwarae gwahanol gemau Mathemateg ar lein. Treuliwch o leiaf 10 munud ar bob un. Mae pedwar i gyd.

Enjoy today's lesson by playing different Maths games on-line. Spend at least 10 minutes on each game. There are four altogether.

1) J2Blast ar Hwb / J2Blast on HWB

Finding J2Blast.

Untitled: Mar 10, 2021 8:20 AM.webm

2) Gêm perimedr / Perimeter game

3) Hit the Button: Lluosi a rhannu / Hit the button: Multiplying and dividing.

4) Kahoot : Faint o'r gloch yw hi? / What's the time?

Thema / Themed work:

Celf / Art:

Cysgodion mewn celf / Shadow art:

Heddiw rydych chi'n mynd i arbrofi gyda chysgodion i greu darnau o waith celf. Ewch allan i'r ardd os ydy'n braf neu defnyddiwch dortsh yn y tŷ i greu cysgodion a'u troi nhw mewn i waith celf. Gwyliwch y cyflwyniad cyn cychwyn.

Today you are going to experiment with shadows in order to create art pieces. Go outside if it's sunny or use a torch inside to create shadows and turn these into pieces of art. Watch the video before starting the task.

Eisteddfod T

Ydych chi eisiau cystadlu? / Do you want to compete?

Eisteddfod T ydi Eisteddfod yr Urdd mewn fformat rhithiol sy'n rhoi cyfle i blant a phobl ifanc ledled Cymru a thu hwnt i gystadlu o'u cartrefi. Yn 2021, mae Eisteddfod T yn ei ôl!

Yn giamstar ar ganu neu ddweud jôc, yn feistr lip-sync neu’n hoff o ddynwared enwogion? O’r traddodiadol i TikTok, mae’r Urdd am gynnal gŵyl ddigidol yn ystod hanner tymor y Sulgwyn am yr ail flwyddyn yn olynol, ac mae Eisteddfod T am fod yn “fwy arbrofol, blaengar a chyffrous nac erioed o’r blaen!” a hoffem eich annog i gystadlu eleni.

Mae Rhestr Testunau 2021 a chyfarwyddiadau ar sut i gystadlu bellach ar gael a chofrestru i gystadlu yn agor ar Fawrth y 1af. Bydd disgwyl i gystadleuwyr gyflwyno gwaith cyfansoddi, fideos o berfformiadau a lluniau o’u gweithiau creadigol o flaen llaw, cyn i’r rowndiau terfynol gael eu darlledu mewn cyfres o raglenni arbennig ar S4C a BBC Radio Cymru dros bum niwrnod, rhwng dydd Llun, 31 Mai a Gwener, 4 Mehefin 2021.

Wrth glicio ar y wefan isod, cewch fynediad i'r holl gystadlaethau sydd ar gael, o ganu unigol a llefaru, i feimio i gerddoriaeth Cymraeg, celf neu greu wyneb gwirion! Rhywbeth at ddant pawb, felly anogwch eich plentyn / plant i fynd ati i ymarfer a ffilmio. Sicrhewch eich bod yn darllen y rheolau yn gywir cyn cystadlu.

Os hoffech fwy o wybodaeth neu am unrhyw gyngor, cysylltwch â Mrs Griffiths Jones: GriffithsN6@hwbcymru.net

Pob lwc.

Singing, lip-syncing and celebrity impersonations – from the traditional to TikTok, Urdd Gobaith Cymru have announced that Eisteddfod T is back for the second year running and the organisers promise a “more experimental, progressive and exciting festival than ever before” to be held during Whitsun half-term.

The list of competitions and instructions on how to compete will be available and registration will be live on the 1st of March. Competitors will compete by uploading videos, clips, and pictures of their performances and creations, and the final rounds will be broadcast on specially scheduled programmes on S4C, online and BBC Radio Cymru during the week commencing 31st of May.

By clicking on the link below, you will see all the different competitions that are available from singing and reciting poems, to miming a Welsh song, art competitions and a funny face competition. There is something for everyone, so encourage your child / children to go and rehearse and film! Make sure you read the rules before competing.

Please contact Mrs Griffiths Jones if you have any questions or need advice. GriffithsN6@hwbcymru.net

Good luck.

Gwyliwch y clipiau er mwyn cael blas ar y cystadlu. / Watch the video clips to get a flavour of the competitions.